Chapter 35 : Plan In Action

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I was going through the plan. We were doing this. Right now. Me, Mellow, Luna, Veronica, Crai, Zeke and Hunter ran through the forest, reaching Magics Academy.
Lunto was already there, hiding somewhere in the forest of green.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Crai took the liberty of answering. "12:29! One more minute and we go in!"

Then we waited. Moments, seconds. . . Then a minute. "Let's go! Go, go, go!" Luna said quietly but her voice packed power.

We ran in, the gate was open. Whoever forgot to close it was the dumbest person I've ever met, but no complains here. We ran for the front doors but it burst open, the guards coming out.

We all hid behind pillars and waited for all the guards to get out. A small voice said, "that's the last if them!" I recognized it instantly, Hunter. "Go!"

We hastily went in as Luna led the way to the Energy Crystal tower. We found the door leading to it, I used my flames to melt the oak door since it was locked. We went in to be greeted by a long staircase.

I groaned and started climbing, followed by the others. Halfway through, my legs started to ache, but that wouldn't stop us so easily. We finally reached to top and to our dismay, two guards were still there.

Crai fished out two arrows from her quiver and shot them both at the same time. They flew through the air and hit the two guards, Crai grinned and grabbed the Energy Crystals. "Here! Let's go!"

We went down the stairs, which was easier than climbing up them. We reached the very bottom and when we opened the door, we saw guards going back in. Hopefully none went in here.

"We'll have to wait." Veronica said. "We'll continue at 12:50."

Mellow turned to Hunter and Crai. "Can you make a person invisible alongside you?"

Hood nodded. "But I can only do one. And I should be holding him or her, it's much easier that way."

Mellow nodded. "Go to Lara with Crai, she's somewhere in the dungeons. And, if you can, save Jake as well."

Crai and Hunter obeyed. Hunter held her hand and they turned invisible immediately. The door opened on it's own and closed on it's own as well. It scared my at first, but then I realized it was just Crai and Hunter. I let out a relieved sigh.


"12:50! Let's go! Go, go, go!" Luna exclaimed as we peeked out the door to see the guards heading out once more.

"Veronica, go!" Mellow said.

Veronica saluted and ran off to get Lunto. She exited through the front doors once all the guards were out and discreetly slipped away into the forest.

"Let's go! That sphere is as good as ours!" I exclaimed and my companions nodded in determination. We checked our surroundings, checking if Monica was gone. Then we heard the clicking of heels. We hid in one of the nearby classrooms to see Monica walking through the corridor and to the entrance of the academy to train the guards.

We checked our surroundings once more. "All clear! Move it! Go, go, go!" Zeke said. Luna glared at him and muttered something that sounded like, "that's my line. . ."

We ran through the corridors with haste and made sharp turns when needed. Thank the lords Luna had a sharp memory or we'd be lost by now. Luna stopped abruptly, making me run into her.

Magics Academy : Divine Warriorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن