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Eliza awoke after a few minutes. She was breathing heavily, distraught, with sweat running down her brow. "It happened again! B-but I thought. . . I was free. . ." She kept murmuring things along those lines throughout the whole trip that it started to disturb everyone else.

I, on the other hand, couldn't find it in myself to trust her at all. "What exactly happened there?" I asked in the sternest tone I could muster.

"I-I'm not really sure," She said, still breathing heavily. "To be honest. It's the same feeling I had when I drank the water, the severe headache then blacking out—" He stopped abruptly and, for the first time the in whole ride, she realized she was wrapped in chains. "Why am I. . .?"

"You attacked Hannah," Luna hissed bitterly. "Remember that?" She sounded so intimidating that even I cowered a bit under her glare.

Eliza shook her head. "I swear, I don't! And I never would! My job is to protect the Winter Region--"

"Well, you're doing a horrible job at it!" I suddenly spat, surprising even myself.

"Hannah!" Veronica scolded. Then she mouthed, 'that's not nice!'. Eliza seemed to shrink as she was seated behind me. "Sorry." She murmured. "I know what my duty is, and I want to fulfil it. But I was taken from my family when I was very young and was trained to fight for the Wolf Maiden."

I felt my breath hitch. I stared at the girl for a moment and let out an agitated sigh. "I'm sorry," I muttered. She didn't reply, I figured.

She was a bit like me, after all she wasn't the only one taken from her family at such a young age. I just wondered what happened before that; how she was a Snow Legend, and so on. But first, I had to interrogate Blue Boy.

"Blue Boy!" I called.

With a grunt he replied, "what now?" His tone was bored, he was clearly annoyed and wasn't afraid of showing it.

"Who are you? What are you? Where are you from?" I gushed quickly, not wasting a second to fire all the questions racing in my head.

"Slow down, sweetie." Mrs. Shane said. "Let's ask one question at a time."

"Who are you?" I tried again.

The boy hesitated, but then shrugged and said. "Noel. Noel. . ." He scrowled. "Noel Dark. But I go by Noel--"

At once our weapons were drawn and pointed to him. He was a Dark, and clearly couldn't be trusted. To think we fell for his trick. . . His act of 'helping' us. "What is your real motive here, Dark?"

Noel's scrowl deepened. "Don't call me that. I go by Noel Bridges now, so shut up." He paused. "I want my father dead. Is that too much to ask? I want revenge, that shouldn't be so hard." He said with sarcasm. "Not hard at all."

We stared at him, then Daniel said, "How can we trust you?"

Noel shrugged. "'Dunno. Like I said, I just kind of used you guys to get to the portal, kill my dad." He glared at Daniel. "He killed my mom, but of course my sister didn't care."

"Your sister!?" Ms. Rosefall exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, yes. Her name is Monica Dark, I haven't seen her in a while--"

We all gasped. We never knew. . . That the Dark, too, had children? "Who was your mother?"

He shook his head silently. "That's for you to find out."

Luna glared at him, obviously suspicious. "We have the right to know, we could kill you here and then."

Jake took a protective step in front of me, he leaned by the tree, propping his arm on the trunk to support himself. "Look, buddy. You can't just expect us to trust you because you want The Shadows dead. For all we know, you'd want to take his place and rule over Crystalida!"

Noel pushed him away. "Look, I don't give a damn about ruling, I just want to find out if my mother is alive or dead, alright? But I'm going to kill him anyways."

I took a step forward. "It's our destiny to kill The Shadows, not yours."

Noel scoffed. "I don't believe in destiny. We make our own decisions, not the freaking non-exsistant 'destiny' people say."

That silenced me. He was right, we did make our own decisions. "Look, we'll let you off the hook," I said. "But one wrong move and this sword will go right through you. Swear on your life that you'll work with us, and we'll make sure your father dies."

He crossed his heart and bowed. "I swear."

"Good," Jake said. "Now can we go?"


We continued riding towards the portal as Luna continued to ask questions. "How did you find us?" Luna asked.

Noel hummed thoughtfully. "I'm not sure. Oh, I don't know, I probably followed and kept an eye on all of you to make sure you were the Lights. I also helped you at times."

Lara huffed. "You didn't help me when I fell through that hole, I saw you that time!"

Noel shrugged. "You can't expect me to be there all the time, I had to let you make your decisions. I don't control your life. Plus, I was a tad late. If I did help you wouldn't have met that Liogon."

He's right. I thought. How annoying.

And then Noel stopped his horse. We were already out of the forest and in the meadows where the portal was, and there it is. Right in front of us.

I took a deep breath. This was really happening? I'm not in a dream, right? I've really found my sister, right? I fell in love with Jake, right? I am a Light, right? I treat Mellow as a sister, right?

This is all real, right?

"Well," Hunter muttered. "We're here."

That was the first time he spoke throughout the whole ride. "Do we go in, now?" Mr. Lock asked.

Mr. Diat nodded. "Yes, about time."

We gathered around the portal, but no one seemed to move. I realized, that we didn't want to leave. "But we have to." I said. "We need to save Crystalida."

"Do we have to?" Zene commented, earning a hit from Jake. "Coward." Jake said.

He jumped in first, Jake. I smiled, he is a brave soul. Mellow follwed, then her parents. Then everyone else. Me and Luna were left. I held her hand, suddenly afraid. She then whispered, "We can conquer, we can fight. So if we can do all that, we can do this."

So, with great doubt, we stepped inside.



What do I say?

We're finally finished with the book.

What a journey.

Are you excited for Book 2?

Thank you so much for your support, I love you all!

This has been such a great adventure with you guys, I can't believe it's over.

Well, the end is just the beginning.

Your support helped me a lot! And with that I thank you all.

Whew. . . I actually don't know what to say.

I love you all.


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