Chapter 13 : Realization

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A few hours later. . .

We kept walking and walking for hours, the prickly bushes leaving bruises on our legs, it kind of  hurts. Plus, we stumbled across a griffin, it had black feathers and red eyes, it ate Mellow's backpack, so food is scarce, but thanks to our spirit animals, it left us alone.

"Are we almost there?" Mellow asks.

I checked my surroundings.
"Yeah..." I said, looking at the ground where large footprints or... creatureprints were printed. "We are defiantly close."

Mellow nodded shakily.
"O-okay..." she murmured as we continued walking

Then, we stumbled upon a fork in the path. I groaned.
"Which way do you think we have to go?" I asked Mellow.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds and shrugged.
"The fork is somehow enchanted, I couldn't see what was beyond them." She said.

I sighed.
"Should we split up or-" then an idea hit me. "Do you think that our spirit animals could sniff out the place?"

Mellow thought about it, and nodded with a huge smile planted on her face.
"That's a great idea! I'll be able to see Leo again, my spirit aninal!"

I smiled and summoned Feshti, who's fur was flying threw the wind. She howled, raising her snout towards the full moon. When this happens, Feshti becomes larger and a more darker blue, she had crystals on her head, forming a flower crown, only it's crystals. Or ice. Who knows?

"Woah! What happened to Feshti?!" Mellow exclaimed.

"She transforms on a full moon. Only on a full moon." I said, grinning while Feshti howled with please. I don't know why Feshti transformed like that, it was all a mystery to me.

"Okay, Feshti, sniff away!" I said as she did as was told.

She lowered her head towards the ground and sniffed it.

Try to find the scent of a mossy cave, pretty please? I asked Feshti through telepathy, one of the things you could do if you had a strong bond with your spirit animal.

Feshti nodded and started sniffing once more, heading towards the right, so did Mellow's bear cub.

I took a deep breath and followed them with caution, Mellow following behind me. We kept walking for a while until we reached a clearing, at the edge of it was a cave covered with vines and damp moss.

"We have arrived..." I said quietly. The dragon could be here somewhere.

We walked towards it cautiously. When we were about five meters away from it, a roar erupted from nowhere and a gleaming black dragon with red eyes leapt into the clearing.

"Well, well, well! I don't get many dinne-- ahem, visitors often! Why'd you come?" The dragon  cunningly said.

"You can talk- I mean, we've come to borrow the Gem of Earth. We will return it, I promise." I said, crossing my heart.

The dragon growled.
"Why do you need it?!" It said.

This time, Mellow spoke up in a trembling voice, although it sounded brave.
"W-we need it. The magic blossom and oak trees are wilting. Either magic was cast upon them, or-"

"Or it's magic is being drained. I know kiddo, and trust me, I tried! My home, the biggest tree in the forest, close to the volcano where I rest, is wilting, dark spots covering it's bark. I tried using the Gem of Earth... but..." he shook his head.

I nodded.
"We need to get to the bottom of this..." I muttered. "Okay, we have to... erm, leave now, sir. Sorry for disturbing you so we'll get going-"

"Leave?!" It roared. "Not applicable! You're my dinner!" It said and dived for us, we ran into the woods as fast as we can, I made trees grow behind me so that the dragon wouldn't find us or get lost, but he grew in size so growing trees was useless.

"What... are we... going to... do?!" I exclaimed.

Mellow shrugged, the sun was rising, great! I whistled for Feshti as she ran towards me, then I hopped on her and we rode. I grabbed Mellow and pulled her up on Feshti too, I didn't want to forget about her.

We kept going and going, but hearing those thunderous roaring and stomping just made our hearts leap and lose focus, but we held on.

The Dragon of Discord was closing in on us, and Feshti was getting tired, though the academy was close.
Feshti was already panting, it was time for her to rest. I hopped of her and placed her in dormat mode.

We ran and ran, we didn't care about the thorn bushes that pricked us, nor the low tree branches that slapped our faces, we cared about our lives. Gee, this was a death wish!

Then I realized something... something I doubted, but was possible.

A loud BOOM was heard, and a fire ball landed in front of us. Yikes! My hands were burned and, geez! It hurts!

We ran even faster, the academy was right ahead. Then a loud thump was heard. I looked back to see the dragon struggling to fly forward, as if something was blocking it, unable to fly towards us, it growled and few away. There must be a... spell or something of that sort protecting the academy.

I glanced at Mellow, who was panting like a cat running from an enormous dog, I was too. We sat on the ground, then we heard the academy's doors swing open.

"Y-your alive!" Miss Chella said, walking up to us. It almost sounded like she wanted us not to be alive.

"Yeah, we are." I replied hastily. "We talked to the Dragon of Discord, he said the Gem of Earth was useless. It wasn't able to heal his big tree, so how much more for our trees." I said.

The headmaster nodded.
"Ah, I see..." she said. "Then... I guess there's only one explanation here..." she muttered.

Mellow nodded.
"Someone or something is draining the magic life force or just magic, from these trees. Let's hope this person or thing doesn't drain the whole region..." she mutters.

Miss Chella nodded.
"Right. Now get yourselves clean and... have a good day." She said as she walked away towards the gardens.

I looked at her suspicuosly.
"Mellow," I called.

She looked at me.

"That quest... that was a death quest. Don't you think it's a bit too... you know, it has a 98% of us dying. What if.." I said.

Mellow nodded.
"Yeah... I kind of got the same vibe. But let's not jump to conclusions. Come on, let's go." She said as I followed her.
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chappy! What do you think? Leave it in the comments!
So I did some looking on the internet and decided to change Hannah's appearance.

Then I realized I fogot to add a pic of Mellow, so here it is.

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P.S. Please check out Blossombun27 and her book : The Mystical Ancient Angels. It's soo cool! But it's in the process of updating, thanks! Also check out KuttieKittens and her amazing books! Thanks again!

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