Chapter 32 : Confessing

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We walked quietly through the familiar hallways, we entered the Hissing Hallway but, surprisingly, no hissing was heard, as if the snake was terrified of Monica. I bit my lip in nervousness, what if we weren't able save Lara or Lunto? What if we weren't able to retrieve Re'eti's soul and powers? That won't end well for sure.

"We're here!" Veronica whispered. We stood a meter away from the headmistress' office. I opened the door to see no one inside, the sight of the sphere on a red cushion made my heart jump. The room was bigger than before, probably a new thing Monica wanted for herself. Jake made a run for it. . . That is, before I stopped him.

"Wait," I said. Jake groaned. "What?! The sphere is right there." He exclaimed. I shook my head. "It's too. . . Easy."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Which is a good thing! The faster we could get out of here!"

I wanted to hold him back but he was too strong. He broke free from my iron grip and snatched the sphere. But there was this bad feeling nagging me and I couldn't place finger on it.

"Trying to steal my sphere!?" A voice exclaimed. Ah, that's the bad feeling I was having. Monica showing her ugly face.

We froze, we knew right there we wouldn't make it out without a fight. Loud sound made us fly across the room and hit the wall hard. As Jake hit the wall, the sphere rolled out his hands and stopped right beside Monica's foot. She bent down to pick it up and slipped it into her sling.
"Tsk, tsk. That's not good."

I narrowed my eyes and got up. "Monica, could you just hand it over?!"

She laughed. "Like I'd so such a thing!"

I mentally facepalmed. Obviously, dummy! Why'd you say that to her! I told myself in my mind.
"Well, it's not yours!" With that, I transformed into my Divine Warrior form and charged, daggers in hand. Luna was already above Monica in her Divine Warrior form, ready to slice her head in half.

Monica snickered arrogantly, she released a wave of sound and hit us. We were thrown across the room once more and was hit hard by the stupid wall. I rose up again and shot fire out of my hands, aiming for Monica. Jake was using his speed to wound Monica in different places on her body, her arms, stomach, and head. Veronica was emitting deafening sounds towards Monica that we couldn't hear except her. She growled as she placed her hands on her forehead, hoping to get rid of the horrid sound.

I took the chance to attack so I swiped my daggers at her and injured her, it wasn't that big of an injury, though. I just simply cut a wound on her arm, it wasn't much but I succeeded to distract her.

Monica snapped her head towards me and glared. She charged and with a quick swipe, she was able to make a wound on my two legs. I winced but didn't back down yet. I saw at the corner of my eyes Veronica and Luna ready to attack. They ran at Monica and was able to injure her badly. A nasty wound was seen on her waist and a another one was seen on her leg.

Monica, who was outraged, released bursts of screeching sounds that made us all freeze and plead to make it stop.

With that, everything went black.


I woke up, and of course, in a cell. I screamed in agitation. "I JUST GOT OUT! NO, NO, NO!"

"Shut it, Hannah! You're not the only one here!"

"Whatever. . . "

"We need another plan."

"And this time doesn't involve fighting Monica."

Jake shrugged. "We could split into teams and one team could steal the sphere, one could kidnap Lara and one could save Lunto, and we could to it undercover."

I thought about it. . . It could work. . . "Sure! We'll plan it now, Veronica is capable of fighting a lot of guys, she can kidnap Lara. You and Mellow--"

The doors flew open. "Where's Jerk- Jake?!"

Jake grunted. "Here. . . "

"Monica wants a bargain. She wants Jake for an experiment in exchange of Lunto and your friends' freedom."

My eyes widened. "She's bargaining a lot. . . That means she'll do something big to you. . . I won't allow that!"

Jake fully faced me. "I have to. . .take this as a sacrifice for all Magics Academy."

I shook my head furiously. "NO!"

Jake turned to the guard. "Give us a moment."

With that, the guard left. He turned to me. "Look, Hannah. . . I have to. If this means letting you, Mellow, Luna, Veronica free. . . As well as Lunto, I can't say no. It's for the better of things. . ."

"I won't allow it." I said.

He ran his hands through his hair. "HANNAH! Don't you want to save Crytalida? Re'eti? Magics Academy? If you do, you have to let me go."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine. . . "

"One more thing. . ." He looked away. "Just in case I won't see you again. . . I just wanted to say I like you a lot, Hannah. Your a powerful, brave and determined girl, and it's something I like about you. So. . . Uhhh. . . I have to go now."

He turned around and headed for the door. I was frozen. Did he mean that? Did he just say that? Without thinking, I hugged him, well, more like squeezed him. I withdrew leaving him shocked, but he regained his composure as quickly as you could say 'potato'. "Come back. . . " I muttered.

He nodded and walked out. The door was shut close but I still heard what they were conversing about.

"I'm ready."

"Good. Madam Monica will be using you or extracting your powers for an experiment."

"NO!! You can't strip my powers from me!"

"She'll just use you, then. Come on, now! Move it!"

I sat on the stone ridge, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. Oh, they're going to do something bad to him! It won't be good! I couldn't bare to think about what they might do so I waited to be set free, thinking about the moment he told me he had feelings for me just a few moments ago. . .

Did I return them? Probably. Thinking about it made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I've never felt this way. . . It was something new.

I decided to sleep to relax my mind for a bit.


Sooooo. . . How was that?
Hope you enjoyed!


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