Chapter 9 : A club's mystery.

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When the event ended, I felt. . . emptier than usual. Noticing this, Mellow walked up to me.
"Hey, what's with the face, Han?" She asked. I smiled sheepishly. "Oh, It's nothing! It's just. . . a bit upsetting to know you lost your other powers or, in my case, elements." I sighed.

Mellow smiled in understanding.
"I felt that way before," she said. "I had to get rid of my other powers earlier. It's a 'family tradition'," she told me sadly.

Wait, what?!

"That's a weird tradition," I remarked, brows furrowed. Who would want to get rid of their powers so early on in life?

She nodded. "I know. I tried going on a quest to find the Gem of Earth, I wasn't able to succeed." Then she faced me.

"Next time," I said. "Let's go on a quest together to earn one of my elements and one of your crazy powers!" From what I recall, Mellow's power was telekinesis.

She smiled. "Agreed," She said.


A person ran into me and Mellow, almost making us trip in the process.

"Watch it," I growled. The person scratched his head.
"Sorry, was trying to not run late," then he checked his a watch on his wrist. It looked high-tech, it was definately expensive.

"Aw, snap! The meeting is cancelled!" He said, then he turned towards us. "I'm Jason, Jason Pew. Hello, I'm the head of the book club, He said proudly.

I raised an eyebrow while Mellow looked at him shyly. "O-oh. . . when can we join clubs?" She asked. I did my best not to snicker since she looked to bashful.

The boy smiled. "Right now! I'm gathering students right now!" He said. "Speaking of which, would you like to join the Bookworm club?" He asked.


"Yes!" Mellow exclaimed.
"Well, she'll join, are there other--"
"There are club stands right over there. Come on, Mellow, let's go to the library and meet with the others." Then they left just like that. I couldn't help but frown, Jason was definately being rude.

I walked up to the stands, deciding which club to join. All the representatives of each club were giddy and accepting members gladly, though one club seemed gloomy and. . . Well, they seemed like they would rather be anywhere else than here.

I walked towards it, The Science Club was written on the banner. Poor fellas.

I snapped back into reality, I'll poke around a bit later. I walked towards a stand that sparked my interest, The Sports Club and at the side of it said Boys ONLY. I growled out of frustration. It's their loss they didn't have me as a player.

I kept looking around, a club callled the Obstacle Course Club sparked an interest in me, too. At the side was written: we prepare you for the future. I smiled, I signed up. It was an odd club, but what I really wanted was some action and that was something this club offered.
"Excuse me, but when does it start?" I asked. The girl behind the stall smiled.
"Tomorrow. I'm Kacey Dreshee. This is Gerald, my twin," She replied. I smiled back.
"I'm Hannah," I said, shaking their hands. "Welcome to the club!" Gerald exclaimed as I walked away.

Before I knew it, Miss Chella appeared in front of me. I was a bit startled, but I straightened up immediately.

"Hannah, I have a quest for you-"
"And Mellow. We're going together," I cut her off saying.

She smiled. "Of course, you and Mellow. I need you to find the Gem of Earth. You see, I've been noticing that the trees are wilting as days pass by. I tried using my magic but it is to no avail! Please, I was told it was found in the Forest of Aglow, near the volcano of the Dragon of Discord. Good luck, and be safe! It'll start after tomorrow," She said. I nodded skeptically and was about to ask some questions when he walked away. 'Rude?'

I walked around to find Mellow near the window. "Mellow!" I called.

She turned around. "Hannah! What's up--"
"Miss Chella sent us on a quest! It starts after tomorrow! We have to. . ."
I explained everything to Mellow.
"Huh, I'll do it," Mellow agreed.
"Well then! We better get training--"
I cut her off excitedly. "I joined the Obstacle Course Club! I can train there, you do research in your club." I told her.

Mellow smiled. "I love your ideas!" She said and skipped away.

Heh. . . that exactly proves that Mellow absolutely hates physical a activities. That's fine, though, I tried to escape the gym filled with buzzing students, I wonder if the glass would break because of their shrieks.          


I was walking through the hallways when I saw the leader of the Science Club going into the headmaster's office. I glared and followed him. He looked into the files and picked up one particular file, I extended my arms and made vines wrap around him.

Then I went in.

"Hey!" I shouted. Footsteps were heard coming into the room, the boy struggled but couldn't break free.

"What is going on?" Miss Chella's voice echoed throughout the room, I turned to see her behind me. "H-he took this file," I said, grabbing the file in his hand. "THIS!"

Miss Chella's eyes widened. "I never had this file before," she muttered.
She waved her hands and the boy's appearance changed, instead of brown hair with a nerdish outfit, he had jet black hair and wore a black cloak, under it was a black shirt and pants.

"You hoolagans!" The boy growled.
"You!" Miss Chella exclaimed.
He growled and made a hole in the ground, then he fell in and closed it.
I was too stunned to speak.

"W-what. . . " I started, but my voice faded. Miss Chella sighed. "I'll explain tomorrow. You rest for now."

Then I walked away, speechless. This is getting stranger and stranger every second. . .

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