Chapter 34 : Illusion Training and Boy Problems

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The plan was clearly laid out, I just hoped we'd be able to do it well. Since the escapee students have been in the prison cells for a while, they were able to pick up some information.

Exactly on 12:30 in the afternoon were the guards' lunch break, so that means the academy would be kind of empty, we only had to deal with a few guards. However, their work resumed at 12:40, that means we only had ten minutes. I know, it'll be tough.

The plan was too get to the tower where the Energy Crystals were kept and take them to a safer location. If the Energy Crystals are gone, so will most of the magical technology things' magic energy. This way, they'll become weaker.

After this, we'll send Hunter and Crai to get Lara and bring her to Lunto, who could possibly help her gain more control over herself. After bringing Lara to Lunto, they could hopefully save Jake as well.

Veronica would go to get Lunto, who was going to be hiding in the trees nearby.

While they did that, me, Mellow, Luna and Zeke would steal the sphere. According to the students, during their 'training time' on 12:50 to 1:10, Monica leaves the sphere in her room, more specifically in a glass case in her room, there's going to be a lot of little tricks and traps that were set up to protect the sphere, if we trigger one it will turn the alarm on. And we don't want that. How did they know about the 'glass case'? They snuck out at 12:50 but triggered the alarms.

We get out just before 1:10, preferably 1:07 or 1:08. If we can't, that's where Lunto comes in, we'll have to fly as far as we can. If fighting cannot be avoided, we'll have to train now.

Me and Luna were sparring. Luna slashed her sword against mine which created a loud 'clang'. I stumbled back a bit, only to run back up to her and slash my sword. She blocked it and kicked. I barely dodged her kick, but I luckily did. She ran at me while I stayed in place. She jumped and had her sword held high, ready to plunge it into me. I quickly slid under her, so her sword plunged into the ground instead.

"BREAK!" A loud voice exclaimed. Our swords disappeared, including the damage we've created to our surroundings. The swords were just illusions, as well as the damage. Using Veronica's friend's power to create illusions, we were able to train. 

"Good job, Hannah! You've improved a lot." Luna said.

I grinned. "You did great, too!"

Training was done for now. We called this training Illusion Training since we used illusions to make us feel it's the real thing without harming anyone or anything. Pretty good, if you ask me.

I sauntered over to Mellow, who was holding two sandwiches. She offered one to me and I accepted it gratefully. "Thanks!" I said, biting into it.

Mellow smiled in reply and bit into hers and in a matter of moments, we finished our little snacks. We discussed more about the plan but we weren't able to finish our conversation since training began again.

This time, Veronica's friend, Levin Domin, will be making illusions of monsters that we needed to fight. And it'll be much tougher.

There in front of us stood eight enormous beasts that could most likely smash us into smithereens if they were real. They were made of stone and had moss all over them. Their head was a boulder with two hallow holes to act as eyes. Stone spikes ran down their head to their back. They had stone horns on their head which made them more terrifying to look at.

They suddenly charged as me, Luna, Mellow, Veronica, Crai, Zeke, and Hunter sprang into action. A sword materialized into my hand and I slashed at the monsters. . . It barely left a scratch. I thought for a while and sprang into action once more.

I prepared to strike my sword at the neck of the beast, hoping the head would roll of. With all my strength, I did as planned. The head wobbled a bit but stayed in place. I hit the same place again and this time, the head rolled off.

The stones that made up the body of the monster detached from each other and crumbled into pieces. The others who figured this out was Luna, who gave me a hearty smile, and Zeke, who gave me an annoying wink. I looked away in annoyance and helped Mellow with hers.

Mellow had enough and charged, striking the monster's eye. The monster gave a ferocious roar and stumbled backwards. I leaped and struck my sword at it's neck as it crumbled into pieces.

Me and Mellow high fived. But we celebrated a bit too early, one of the monsters swung its arm towards us and hit us square in the stomach.

"Oof!" I cried out as I fell backwards. I groaned and slowly stood stood back up, I grabbed my sword and ran up to it. I slashed at its neck but it dodged. I cursed under my breath and swung again. Boom, critical hit!

"Great job, everyone!" Levin congratulated us. "Those were Cavrens, they're quite popular in this forest. Though they haven't attacked in a while. . ." He shrugged. "Anyway, I've got to make illusions for the other girls and boys!" With that, he ran off.

I sighed and sat down. It was a hectic day today, four times today we were almost found by Monica's guards. Thankfully, they were driven away by Levin. Perhaps I should remove Zeke and have Levin as a replacement.
I huffed at the thought of Zeke. He was very annoying. He's been making it very clear he took a liking in me but I've always declined his dates and such. Despite me declining, he never gives up. So persistent. . .

"Heeeey, Hannah!" A familiar voice said. I groaned and turned to find Zeke leaning against a tree.

"What now?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

He smiled. "Well, you seem a bit tired. Maybe we could get some food and hang out at the bonfire a bit?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, I'm a bit tired and want to stay right here. Luna is coming to discuss things so you better train with Crai."

He sighed and shrugged. "Alright. . ." He then walked off, shoulders down and wearing a frown.

Won't he just give up? I thought. Night has already fallen upon us all. I stared at the moon for a few minutes, thinking about what Jake could be doing and what they're doing to him.

"There you go again," a voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You always stare at the sky like that. Is there something wrong?"

Luna sat beside me and gave a smile. "I could help you, you know."

I shrugged. "Nothing. . . I'm just wondering what they're doing to Jake. . . And why they need him." That, was the wrong thing to say.
"You like him, don't you?" She said, looking at me directly at the eyes that it sent shivers down my spine.

"N-no. . . He's a good friend and he is important to me. I-I mean, he is important to us."

Luna chuckled. "Oh, will you stop denying it? It's getting so annoying! I know you do! I've seen the way you look at him. Geez, why in denial?"

I looked at the ground. "I'm too shy to admit it. . ." I whispered.

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Well, everyone is shy to admit something. Or scared. Or nervous. Or too proud." She sighed. "Sorry to be all, 'why in denial?!' A while ago. . . I should've known every person feels that way. Everyone. Even if that someone doesn't usually show it."

I looked up. "How do you know me so well?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I'm your sister. I'm supposed to." Then she added. "Its alright to feel that way towards him. It's normal to feel that way, you can't stop it. Even if you somehow did, it'll just come back anyway."

I smiled. I had such an amazing sister.


Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for your patience! I'm back! I explained why I was absent in the author's note right before this chappy.

Did you enjoy the chapter? I hope you did! I'll try my best to update as soon as tomorrow (I hope) to make up for my absence.

Thanks a lot for your support! <3


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