Chapter 21 : The Plan

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I opened my eyes... I sat up and suddenly my head hurt, as if a knife was cutting through my mind. Lei's trying to enter my mind once more!

I breathed in and out sharply, and massaged my head. Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead. I concentrated on blocking my thoughts. I took a deep breath and pushed her away forcefully, and the pain vanished.

I exhaled loudly and my panting skidded to a stop. I looked around me, I was in the infirmiry, or the clinic. I stood up, although my legs felt like noodles I was able to stand.

The door suddenly flew open and in came Mellow, Luna and Kacey.
When they saw me, they're eyes' widened, and Luna gasped.

"Y-your awake... how?" She asked.

I shrugged in response. Why were they surprised? Doesn't everyone wake up every morning?

"W-why?" I stuttered, although I didn't intend to.

Kacey replied this time.
"You were out for two days!" She exclaimed.

"Two days...?" My voice wavered, I wanted to say more, but I didn't trust the lump in my throat.

Mellow nodded.
"We've been worried sick. Luna just woke up a few minutes ago. While you guys were out, me and Kacey hung out, she could summon sprits! Spirits from the De'shi, the place wherein dead people's souls stay, she can summon them, although only knights, warriors or any spirit that was a fighter once he or she was alive could harm anything or anyone, the other spirits just... can't touch anything, they usually only give some knowledge." Mellow said.

I grinned at Kacey.
"Welcome to the group, girl." I said.

She smiled shyly.

Luna then became serious.
"What happened? Something bad happened, right?" She said.

I nodded.
"Lei tried to enter my mind again, I was able to block her off, but it was a teensi bit trickier this time."

Kacey shook her head in despair.
"Bad things have been happening lately," she said.

I nodded in agreement. Mellow and Kacey explained how they were able to free the imprisoned students and how Re'eti became the new headmaster.

". . . Speaking of which, he may want to speak you two." She said.
I glanced at Luna, and she shrugged. "Sure," she said and we followed Mellow to the headmaster's office.

We walked through the hallways, it was nice to be back, the academy was half fixed, it was nice to see. Students often stared at me and Luna as we walked by, they either waved, smiled or greeted us. It felt strange to have much attention, I wasn't fond to be the center of attention, maybe it would be better if I were just a not that known girl, that's all.

We made one more turn and we arrived at the headmaster's office. As we entered, the office was filled with sparkling stones and gems hanging from the ceiling, and everything else was neat.

He was reading a thick book about the academy, and as we entered, he raised his head a bit, then slammed his book shut. He looked at us with amazement, I guess he's surprised we're awake. He had brown hair that was neatly combed, broad shoulders, a fine suit and he had yellow eyes, a bit goldish.

"Hello girls," he greeted us. "First off, I want to thank you for helping the academy-"

"But only Luna helped, not me." I blurted out. Realizing I've interrupted him, I quickly apologized.

He sighed."So you do not know?" He asked. I shrugged. Then he explained everything to me, not leaving any detail out.

". . . That's mostly it."

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