Chapter 26 : Mother. . . ?

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The woman stood still, not making a move. I summoned Feshti, who growled as soon as she saw the peculiar woman.

"What do you mean?" I asked her cautiously.

A smile formed, I could tell.
"Well. . . You want to find the The One Who Controls Darkness, right?" She chuckled.

Luna stood in front of me defensively, her staff in hand. Wait a second, she has a staff?
The handle was made of, what looks like, oak wood with golden vines twirling around it. A dark blue amethyst stood at the very top, it was being held in place by the vines. A few green jewels surrounded the staff, emitting a magical glow.

The woman chuckled even more.
"Ah, the Lights. I've been waiting. . . And waiting. . . AND WAITING TO GET REVENGE!"

She charged, daggers in hand. I growled as I grabbed my daggers and charged. Jake got his sharp double edged sword and started slicing her, but she dodged all his blows with ease.

Mellow focused and made a few sharp objects around the room float, then threw them at her. The woman hit all of them one by one, they bounced of the blades of her daggers and headed straight for Veronica.

Veronica sang in a beautiful high pitched voice, her voice echoed, causing the sharp objects to ricochet towards Lara.

Lara sighed as she ducked, the sharp objects landing on the wall behind her. She got her bow and shot arrows at the mean velvet cloaked lady who was battling Jake in close combat and dodging Luna's spells.

"Darn it, lady! Get hit, will ya'!" Luna complained as she made her spells stronger.

A green blast struck the lady, bullseye! The woman flew across the room and hit the wall, making the tree house shake a bit. I kept my daggers and removed her hood, which revealed an oddly familiar face. I stared, horrified.

"M-mom?!" My eyes narrowed. Kiesha Verison. . . My stepmother.

"I thought those letters you sent really meant you've changed! But no. . ."

She snickered.
"Hannah, I did love you. . . Until I opened my eyes. I always bathed you, worked to earn money for your school, bought stuff for you. . . What about me? I barely have time to do anything for myself! It's not like you work to earn money to buy stuff for me, do you?"

I gasped and stomped my foot.
"Mothers are supposed to sacrifice! Just like how their children sacrifice going on crazy and deadly adventures to save the whole world, including their parents! They study instead of having much fun and even more! A mother who doesn't sacrifice isn't a mother, you were given a chance to take care of me and my big brother, but instead, you became selfish!"

My fake mom laughed, I couldn't stand her! I snapped my fingers as the tree's branches started gripping unto my mom, I motioned for all of us to get out of this dreadful place and escape. As we climbed down, all the branches surrounded the house, suffocating whoever is still in there.

Despite knowing my step mom didn't care about me, my heart ached. I hissed at my softness and let the broken feeling go.

I felt tears fall from my eyes, I looked away from the group and wiped them. Dang it, Hannah! You're showing your soft side!

Once my tears had dried back, I turned to Mellow, a pitied expression on her face.

"Hannah. . ." She said. "Are you alright?"

I forced a pained smile.
"I'm fine, I think. . . Thanks for asking, anyway." I said.

She sighed.
"Do you want to. . .?"

I shook my head.
"No, I don't want to talk about it."

Veronica placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, she deserved it more than anyone. Don't feel bad!" She said encouragingly.

I nodded, but a part of me said that she didn't deserve such fate. I mean. . . She lied and didn't care for me and all, but that was after she went on that mission. Who knows what could've happened?

We fell into silence, heading towards the Forest of Aglow, which was still so far away.

"Hey," Luna said. "Are you alright."

"I'm fine." I quickly changed the subject. "You think we'll defeat the? I mean. . . Sure we're Divine Warriors and all, but don't you think they'll have a Divine Warrior or two too?"

Oblivious to the fact I changed the subject, she shrugged.
"Let's hope luck is on our side."

I nodded, wondering if the son of Ledison Dark would join the 'fun'. Probably. . . He is his son. My mind wondered back to the time I saw that boy with blue hair and markings in his face. . . Perhaps that was his son. All the mysteries I've encountered before is suddenly making so much sense.

I slipped my hand into my pocket and grabbed a crumpled piece of paper. I unfolded it and read my stepmother's letter, the one she gave me when I was out for three days.

Dear Hannah,

This is your mother, o-or... I suppose you know that I am not your true mother. Although, we had to do this for your protection, I'm terribly sorry and I hope you understand.

I just wanted to know.... are you alright? I've heard a numerous amount of news saying that something really terrible happened at the academy. I hope your alright, I may not be your actual mother, but I still treat you as my own.

Please be safe and enjoy your school year. Please, please, please be safe.

Truly yours,
Keisha Verison

I re-read it, I growled and crumpled it. I threw it near a tree and covered it up.

"Hannah! C'mon!" I heard Jake call.

I wiped my hands on my shirt and ran after them, my heart starting to shatter knowing my step mom didn't actually care about me.

Magics Academy : Divine WarriorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora