Chapter 8 : Returned to the Event on time

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"Is that the. . ." I muttered. "Academy?" Mellow finished. I nodded. We started walking forward, but I stopped her.

"What if it's another trick?" I told her.
Mellow raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

I sighed. "Because, that guy who kidnapped me? He can control the darkness element. He could've made that figurine by using his element." I said.

Mellow laughed. "He can't be that good!" She said.

I glared. "He beat all my elements, Mellow." I said. "He is that good."

Mellow sighed. "Okay. . . Let's go, we'll just have to hurry and proceed cautiously. It's getting pretty late." Mellow said.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's go. Let's take a little nap first. I'm terribly exhausted." I suggested.

Mellow agreed and we leaned against a rock and slept.


I opened my eyes to see bags of light seeping through the forest roof, illuminating the area. I sat up and realized. . .
"It's morning?!" I exclaimed. I shook Mellow. "Wakie, wakie!" I said gently, then I told her aggressively, "IT'S MORNING, THE ACADEMY IS NEAR BY, THIS IS THE PLACE YOU FELL INTO THE RIVER!"

Mellow jolted up. "Really?!" She said excitedly and walked forward without hesitation.
"Mellow," I sighed. "Remember what happened last time?" Mellow stopped, then turned around.

"Yeah," She said sheepishly. "I'm going to be more careful this time." She said. I smiled in agreement and turned around. But the sight I saw was odd

There was a man with light blue hair and a mark on his face. His expression was stern, he looked kinda scary. I blinked and he vanished. This place is getting stranger and stranger.

We walked through the thick bushes and we may or may not have been pricked by a couple of thorns. When we arrived at the other side, we were greeted by a glaring Jake.
"Umm. . .hi?" I said innocently.
He growled.

"What were you thinking going into the Forest of Aglow?! It's dangerous there! Plus, Mellow has a fear for forests--"
"Which I helped her conquer that fear." I cut him. He growled. He turned to Mellow. Mellow nodded.
"She's right, I'm not that scared of the forest anymore."

Jake sighed. "You two are impossible." Then he walked away. "By the way, the One Pick Event is starting. Miss Chella will explain on the event. You better get cleaned, you guys look like you've come from a garbage can!" He laughed and left.

I shrugged. "Well, let's get cleaned." I said, then we set course to our dorms.


"So in this event," I explained to Lei. "When you have multiple powers, like me for an instance! I have multiple elements, I could only choose one of my elements. That will be the only element I could use since the others are out of my reach. I have to earn my other elements by going on quests, although we could only do that in our second year, for now, we train."

Lei nodded. "So on the event is when we choose one of our multiple powers, if we have any. If we don't, like me, what do I do?" She asked.
"You just sit on the fluffy chairs, watching and guessing what the others would pick." I said.
"By the way, is this shirt a good pair for my shorts?" Lei said. I nodded.

Lei was wearing a shirt that said PoWeR paired with shorts and sandals. I was wearing a black blouse paired with jeans and white sneakers. We were ready to go!

I unlocked the door and we exited, heading towards the gym. It was quite a maze at first, but I was starting to know my directions. I felt like I didn't know where my right and left was when I just arrived here.

As we were walking, Jade and her girly gang approached us. What now?!
"Hey, losers. If you want to go to the gym, you gotta' get passed us. Haha, you're going to be late! More like, lame!" Jade the 'leader' said.
"And, only Hannah is allowed to fight." One the girls said. They grinned.

I shrugged, I raised the ground to make a cage around Jade and her gang, then me and Lei passed by as I made the ground go back to it's former self.
"I'm telling my dad this! He can control the darkness element!" Jade shouted and walked away.

I stopped. "I'm telling me dad this! He can control the darkness element!"
What Jade said echoed throughout my mind, her dad... it can't possibly be that man...?

"Hannah! Come on, we need to hurry, we're almost late, your almost late!" She cried and I followed her.


The gym was filled with students. They had confused expressions, stuck expressions and more. It must be hard making a decision. I already had mine, it was useful.
"Students!" Miss Chella's voice echoed throughout the gym. I quickly sat down. "Let me explain what the One Pick Ceremony is about! When you..."

I didn't listen, I already knew that since while walking towards the dorm, Mellow told me about it. My head was making a decision, is Jake the agent or Jade? Or possibly... someone else?

". . . And that is it! Easy, isn't it? Now, let's see... Farah Lee! . ." I sighed. This was going to take a while.

I kept on thinking about what Jade said. Maybe Jade is the agent... again maybe her father is not the man but someone else. Her father is a councillor. I was stuck!
"Hannah Verison!" Miss Chella called.
I stood up and went forward the silver ball in front of me. I placed my hand on it and said, "the power I choose and won't seek is the element which I will keep."

The silver ball glowed and a spark went down my spine, sending a tingly feeling. "The element I keep shall be the element of nature."
Hey, everyone! Thanks soo much for reading! I am sooo happy for the support! Please vote on my book, of you want. Who do you think is the real agent? I love you all! I have a new book called

Warriors : the Moon is rising, so is the Sun.

I'm still updating and finding/making a cover. Again, credit to -joybell- for the fabulous and wonderful cover! Please follow her/him (sorry!) Too!

Love you all!

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