Chapter 16 : Stolen Energy and Unknown Powers

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I woke up, my sight was blurry and I heard loud murmuring.

"Arg..." I groaned, sitting up.

"Hannah! You're awake!" A girl said. Luna?

"I am? Where am I?" I asked.

Mellow smiled.
"Can't you remember?!" She said.

I looked around. Oh! I was in the castle ruins! We broke rules, we ran away- wait! WE DID WHAT?!

"Oh my goodness! We broke rules to come here!" I said, realizing what I've done. Then I grinned. "I'm so proud of myself!"

Jake facepalmed.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever! We gotta' get back. We have to take Luna with us. And you make up a reasonable explanation!" He said.

I huffed.
"Why me?!"

Mellow shook her head in disappointed.
"You're the one who dragged us into this-"

"To help save Fedati, or possibly the whole Crystalia!" I said, cutting her short.

"You're the best at those kind of things." She explained.

I sighed.
"Fine," I replied. "But let's hurry. They may get suspicious-"

Jake snickered. I raised an eyebrow.
"Why?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes.
"They'll know, you were out for one day. It caused a panic among us."

My eyes widned.
"What?! You're joking right?" I said, blowing a part of my hair out of my eye.

Luna sighed, then got up.
"We're not kidding around, Hannah. So we better leave." She said, and started to walk away, I nodded and we followed her.

Geez my sissy was serious...

We were riding on Eshi, the strong wind blowing my hair in all directions, it caused my eyes to hurt. The cold wind felt like ice whilst touching my skin.

"It's freezing up here..." I muttered.

Luna laughed.
"You're not used to it? The cold doesn't bother me anymore. Every night is like ice through the wind." She said.

I smiled.
"Lucky you."

Jake shrugged.
"Right now, I'm focused on flying Eshi. I wasn't aware of the cold..." he said. "Not until now... thanks to you"

Was his personality this cold all the time?! No pun intended. . .

I glanced at Mellow, who was shivering as if she was enclosed in an ice cube.

"You 'kay, Mellow?" I asked her.

She forced a smile.
"I... I-I'm ok-okay. J-just not u-used to th.. the cold..." she stuttered, grinding her teeth.

I gave her a reassuring smile.
"We're almost there, warmy." I stated. This lit a fire in Mellow.

"Thank goodness..." her voice drifted away, she wasn't looking at me, anymore. Her gaze was focused on something beyond me.

I turned my head, then the sight frightened me. There was black smoke a distance away from us. What happened? I could smell it from here, the smell of burning flames irritated my nose.

"What happened over there?" I said loudly through the wind.

Luna had worry in her eyes.
"An attack. An accidental fire wouldn't- couldn't cause a fire that big." She said in a soft voice, but we were able to hear.

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