13: Book of the White

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|| Ophelia Morgenstern ||

I was pacing in the hallway waiting for Alec as he talked to Maryse and Robert. I bet they don't even see me as the same girl they raised. What if this is wrong? What if I did the wrong thing? What if I destroyed Alec's relationship with his parents? Alec walked through the hallway and he sighed.

"On a scale of one to ten... how bad was it?" I asked, rubbing my hands from all the nervousness.

"Off the charts." Alec answered "Yeah, I've never seen them so angry."

"I bet they hate me now, I'm sure they think that they shouldn't have taken me in. I bet this is because I'm Valentine's daughter." I said in a fast pace.

"After what I did... I don't think they'll ever forgive me." He muttered. "But you, you have nothing to worry about."

"Alec, Maryse and Robert loves you. I doubt that they won't forgive you." I said and sighed when a thought came to my mind, "You don't regret it do you?"

Alec sighed, "Everything happened so fast. I didn't have time to think. I just wanna make sure Lydia's okay. Now I owe her so much."

"We owe her. What she did was nothing short of heroic." I said, "okay, look. Maybe we can slow things down? Why don't we start with that date you owe me?"

"Yeah, let's do that." He smiled.

We made our way to Lydia's living quarters, as we opened the door we saw her laying on the floor unconscious.

"Lydia!" Alec said, and I rushed towards the unconscious Lydia on the floor, I placed my finger on her neck to check her pulse and I nodded at Alec.

He lifted her sleeve and ran his stele on her healing rune. "Go get help." He told me, which I nodded to and I ran out the door to do exactly as he told me.


I stood at the ops center with Isabelle, Jace, and Clary. Alec walked back to us, after he checked on Lydia in the infirmary.

"How's Lydia?" Clary asked.

"Better." Alec answered. "Magnus is doing what he can to help her, but it's bad. And the Cup is definitely missing."

Jace sighed "So, is Hodge."

"Maybe he was attacked too." Isabelle said as she clicked on the security footage.

"Maybe he's the one who attacked her." Clary mentioned and we watched the footage.

"Hodge?" Isabelle asked.

"No way. We've known him our entire lives." I disagreed "He would never do that to us."

Isabelle fast forwarded the footage to where, Lydia had the Mortal Cup in her hand and Hodge was in front of her and got her unconscious.

"So much for our entire lives." I sighed.

"I led him right to the Cup." Jace muttered.

"We treated him like family." Alec said. "How could he do this to us?"

Isabelle switched to another footage after the incident, Hodge was in the training room with Jocelyn and he put on a ring.

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