23: Downworlder Cabinet

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|| Ophelia Whitestorm ||

Alec and I entered his room. We just got back from our date in Paris. We went to the Eiffel Tower and we ate some pasta. We had Magnus portal us there and portal us back here.

"That was by far one of the best dates we've ever had." I exclaimed.

"You said that about the last 2 dates we had." Alec said.

"Because, it's true. The first one was by far, my favorite." I smiled and gave him a short kiss.

"Me too. As much as I love to stay here standing with you. I have to make an important announcement to everyone." Alec said.

"Look at you, Head of the Institute." I winked at him. He smiled down at me and shook his head in amusement.

We both got ready for the day ahead of us and We both headed out to the Ops Center.

He gathered everyone's attention for his Big Announcement. He got up on the platform and everyone placed their attentions to him. I stood beside Isabelle, quite far from Clary and Jace.

"We have lost seven of our own, but we can't allow a single radical Seelie to define the entire Downworld, any more than we can allow Valentine to define all Shadowhunters." Alec paused "So, to restore unity with our allies, I will be hosting regular cabinet meetings here with the Downworld leaders of New York."

"I'm all for unity, but does he have to bring them here?" Lindsay asked a fellow Shadowhunter.

"What do you expect? His girlfriend is attached to a warlock." Duncan replied.

"Still can't believe Alec Lightwood is in charge."

"Just wait. In a week, it'll be someone else."

"Hey. Show some respect." Isabelle said.

"Keep running your mouths like that and I'll make sure you end up cleaning the Institute's weaponry." I hissed.

"Security will be tighter, both here and in the sub-cells. Please, let's make the Downworlders feel welcome." Alec finished off and walked down.

Isabelle and I walked over to Alec, Jace, and Clary. I let out a huff to get rid of the annoyance that was given to me by Duncan and Lindsay.

"I think this cabinet thing's a good idea." Jace said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure everyone agrees." Alec sighed.

"All the more reason to do it. How can I help?" Clary asked, sounding cheerful.

"Actually, I need you and Jace for a mission. Going to the Seelie Court." Alec said.

"Where is that?" Clary asked.

"The nearest entrance is in Central Park. But it's in another realm. Where the Seelie Queen lives." Isabelle informed.

"I requested an audience with her to discuss Kaelie's crimes." Alec said.

"However, she said she'll only meet with Valentine's experiments." Alec added and looked down at me.

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