17: Iron sisters

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|| Ophelia Whitestorm ||

I stood in front of an old manor that I could've sworn looks so familiar. I recognize the place... I'm in Idris, I stood in front of a beautiful and big manor, it had a cloud with bright rays on its door. I knocked on the door, but my hand went through. I walked in, and saw a family all huddled up in the living room.

"Look at her... She has your eyes, Fred." A woman said, as she stared into the baby's gray eyes.

"She may have my eyes, but she's just as beautiful as you." He said, and looked at the woman and kissed her forehead. I walked closer to get a better look at them, they had circle runes on their neck.

"Our dearest child..." She muttered leaning in to kiss the baby on the cheeks. The baby gurgled and a sweet smile formed on her lips.

"Ophelia Rose Whitestorm.." The man muttered.

My eyes widened and everything started shifting, I was in a different place. But, they were still there and my father holding me in his arms, this time I looked like I was 3.

"Magnus.." the woman said, who I assume is my mother. I turned my head and I saw Magnus standing there, not looking much different from how he normally looks. The outfit is quite different. "Magnus please, you have to help us. Valentine is out searching for us and you're the only one that can help us."

"I'm sorry, Demetria. I can't." Magnus said.

"Magwus?" The little girl tilted her head, she had Light brown hair, fair skin, and big gray eyes. Magnus chuckled and he showed her his cat eyes. The girl looked at him with fascination "Meow..."

"Okay, then do us this favor... when the time comes, help Ophelia when she needs it.." My father said. "Plant a memory in her head that will help her remember us and once she does... give her this." He handed Magnus a locket.

"I will..." Magnus said and smiled at the child.

The surroundings started to shift again, and I was back home. Valentine barged in with 2 circle members. My father ran in the room, and faced Valentine.

"Take me, but, leave Ophelia out of this. Please. She doesn't have anything to do with this." Fred, my father said holding a Seraph blade.

Valentine chuckled, "Take them. I'll take care of the child."

The two men separated, the other went for my Dad and killed him, the other went after my Mom and killed her too.

Valentine went to the room my mom put me in, he looked at the 3 year-old girl and carried her.

The little girl giggled, she patted Valentine's head and leaned her forehead on his.

"Hello there, sweet Ophelia. I'm Valentine.." The two Circle members entered and he faced them, "Let's go. I'd like to pay the Lightwoods a little visit."

Everything started to shift once more and we were now at the Lightwood' Manor. Valentine knocked on the door, and Robert opened it and he instantly held his Seraph blade up and pointed it at Valentine.

"What do you want?" Robert hissed.

Valentine uncovered the blanket over the toddler's head, "I need you to take care of her, young Ophelia Rose."

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