24: Valentine

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|| Ophelia Whitestorm ||

I opened my eyes to find that Magnus was no longer in his bed. I sat up straight from the bed he let me sleep in and I ran my hand through my hair.

"Magnus?" I called, I didn't get a response.

I got up with a sigh, I was in my baggy pajamas and gray tank top. I walked to the living room to find Magnus sitting by the table with a mirror in front of him, a cup of tea in his hands.

"There you are." I said.

He spun around and a fake smile appeared on his face, "Good Morning."

"I'd say the same, but it looks like you haven't slept."

"Should I be insulted by that?"

I chuckled, "No. I love that face. But this is, like, the fourth morning in a row that I've woken up to not see you in your bed. Is there something bothering you?"

"Nothing is bothering me. I've gotten used to your adorable little snores." He teased.

"Hey. I don't snore." I defended.

Magnus closed his eyes and he made snoring sounds, which I am most certainly sure is not how I snore.

"Look, I know you well enough to know something is going on." I sighed.

"Ophelia... Im fine." He chuckled and leaned in to give me a hug. "So, what about you? Have you and Alec decided what you're gonna report to the Clave?"

I sighed, "Alec's torn. If he doesn't tell the Clave about Luke's attempt on Valentine's life, he'd be in violation. And if they find out, He could be deruned and just..."

"What ever you two decide... I'll stand by you." Magnus smiled.

I chuckled lightly, I placed my arm on his shoulder and looked into his eyes "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Positive." Magnus nodded and he placed his hand on my cheek before he walked off.


I got back from Magnus' loft. I entered the Institute, out of my pajamas and in my black long sleeve fitted cropped top, black jeans, and the usual combat boots. I walked in the Ops center to find Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Sebastian at the center table.

I sped up over to them and sighed, "Hey.. What'd I miss?"

I leaned over to Alec and gave him a one arm hug and a short peck on the cheeks. I stood beside Isabelle and we began the meeting.

"I've requested that we move Valentine to the Gard in Idris. The Clave has approved the transfer." Alec said.

"What, you told them about the assassination attempt?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No. I explained to them that moving Valentine out of the city is the best way to restore relations with the Downworld. I left Luke out of it." Alec explained.

"It is the right decision." Sebastian said.

"But we have not given up on finding who orchestrated the hit on Valentine."

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