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Tony took them to a nice little restaurant downtown. He was no longer denying the fact that he had feeling for Steve. "Maybe I'll tell him." Tony thought. They parked the car and got out. "Well this seems nice." Steve walked up to Tony and put his hand on Tony's shoulder. "What are you doing?" Tony asked looking at Steve's hand on his shoulder (trying not to blush). "Oh, my bad.." replied Steve, blushing. As they walked in, Tony talked to the waitress and she found them a nice table near the window.

They sat down and it was a bit awkward for a couple minutes. "So.." Tony started to talk. "How are things going with.. um.. your life and stuff." Steve looked up from the menu. He scratched the back of his head. "Pretty good. How are things with you and Pepper?" Steve asked. "Oh, I don't know. I don't really think there is anything there anymore." Tony replied. He felt his face go red. It felt like his feelings for Steve were increasing by the minute. Steve could tell Tony was heating up. "Is something wrong?" Steve asked. "Oh. Nothing." Tony said rubbing the back of his neck. Steve's feelings toward Tony were also increasing. "Ok. I'm gonna do it!" Steve said to himself. "Tony I-" He was interrupted by the waiter to take their orders. After they ordered their food, it was all quiet again. "What were you saying?" Tony said breaking the silence.

"Tony.. I need to tell you something." Steve started. "I.. Ihavefeelingsforyou." he said in a jumbled sentence. "What was that?" Tony asked. "Did he just say what I think he said?" Tony thought to himself. "I have feelings for you." Steve said. His face was really red. Tony blushed. "Like, more than a friend?" he asked. "Kinda, yeah." Steve said embarrassed and he turned away. "Steve. I like you too." Tony said smiling. Steve looked up shocked. "How did Sam not see this?" Steve thought. "Really? You do?" he asked. "Yeah." Tony replied. Then, the lady came with their food and they started to eat.

Steve and Tony were both really happy that their feelings for each other were no longer hidden. Tony drove Steve home after they ate and he walked him inside. "I really do like you, Tony." Steve said turning around as they walked inside. "I really like you too." Tony replied. He caught Steve by surprise and leaned up, kissing him on the lips. Steve wasn't used to kissing people that often but kissed him back, smiling against Tony's lips. Tony thought that even though Steve had never probably kissed many people, that it was amazing.

They awkwardly walked over to the couch, taking in short breaths and Tony laid on top of Steve. Steve wrapped his arms around Tony's waist while kissing. Tony lifted himself up. He stood up and grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him up too. "Follow me." Tony said and led him to what he assumed was Steve's bedroom at the end of the hall. Tony unbuttoned his shirt. He looked at Steve and saw the nervous expression on his face. "Damn. That's right. You're the virgin. It's fine we don't have to do anything tonight." Tony said trying to make Steve feel better. Steve took off his jacket and shirt and crawled into bed. Tony followed. He couldn't help but notice the bulge Steve had. Tony blushed and snuggled right up against Steve. Steve leaned down and kissed Tony. It was a long passionate kiss and Tony rolled on top of Steve again. Steve pulled him in even closer. Tony's tongue asked for entrance. Steve accepted. Their tongues fought for dominance. Steve won the first time and Tony won the second time.

While they kissed Tony rubbed his hand down Steve's abs and felt the bulge from his pants. He wished Steve wasn't a virgin but he didn't mind waiting. He kept his hand placed on his jeans and they stayed close, wrapped in each others arms.

"Tony?" Steve asked half asleep. "Yeah?" Tony replied yawning. "Does this mean no more nicknames?" Steve whispered. "Sure thing... capsicle." Tony said smiling and they both fell asleep with Tony leaning on Steve's chest and Steve holding Tony in his arms.

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