Truth and Love

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Steve slowly opened his eyes and blinked a couple times letting things slide into focus. He realized he was in a hospital. There was a window slightly open near the left side of the bed letting in a warm breeze. He looked at his arms and saw there were tubes hooked onto him. He looked around and remembered what had happened. Shot four times. 

Where was Tony? Steve tried to lean up, but felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest. "Agghhh." Steve moaned at the pain. Then, he saw the door slightly open and Tony walked in. Steve smiled, glad that Tony was there. Tony didn't smile back, he just stood there and crossed his arms. Steve's smile faded and turned into more of a look of confusion. "What the hell were you doing?" 

Steve was taken aback by what Tony had said. "Well I..." Steve tried to think of how to explain. Tony just stared at him with a glare. "Steve, you scared the hell out of me! What would you think if you suddenly get a call saying your boyfriend has been shot multiple times?" 

Steve saw the look of distress that had come over Tony. "Tony I'm sorry," He said trying to ignore the searing pain he felt when he spoke. "I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to do what? What were you even doing there in the first place? Steve, I know you're not telling me something. I thought we said no more lies?" Tony said walking over. The pain in Steve's chest was from the bullet wounds and the more he tried to talk it hurt worse. "I'm.. I'm sorry. You're right, but... I can't tell you." Steve stuttered. Tony saw that Steve was in pain. He was really angry at Steve but his love for him took over, "Fine, we can just talk about this later. You need rest." He said. Steve was surprised that Tony handled that so calmly. He just stayed leaning up and looked at Tony. He honestly didn't know if he could keep the secret of Tony dying from him. Eventually he knew that Tony would get it out of him. 

"Tony, I know that I have been acting different lately, and I'm sorry-" Before Steve could finish talking, Tony leaned down and pressed their lips together. They shared a long, loving kiss before they slowly broke away. "You're a dick, you know that." Tony said smiling. "You're Goddamn lucky you're Captain America or you would be dead."

Steve just smiled lightly and laid back down on his bed. "I know."



{After Steve had gotten home from the hospital, him and Tony had talked about the things Steve has been lying about. Steve followed his orders and didn't tell Tony anything. Tony got furious with Steve and hasn't talked, kissed, hugged, or done anything like that with him since. It's mostly been awkward silence and glares when they're in the same room. In bed they lay the opposite way and mostly argue}


It was a Saturday evening and Tony was sitting on the couch watching some random TV. Steve was on the opposite side of the couch reading a book. The tension between them was bothering Steve so he spoke up, "Tony, I hate this."

Tony just looked at him. He knew that if he looked into Steve's eyes he would get lost in them and forgive him instantly. "I don't know what you expect Steven." Tony said in a straight tone. Steve knew Tony only said his full name when it was a serious situation. "Tony, I just can't." He said. "Why!?" Tony said putting down the remote.

"I just... you just don't understand." Steve said looking at him. Tony was getting paranoid with Steve. "Then help me to!!!!!!" Tony shouted; he stood up. "Tony! I can't! Why can't you just trust me!!!" Steve yelled, also standing up to be level with Tony. Tony couldn't help it anymore, he looked into Steve's eyes and when he saw them, he felt all the anger wash out of him. He put his hands on Steve's jaw and pulled him into a kiss. 

Steve moved his hands to Tony's back moving his hands up under his shirt. Tony let out a small moan and kissed Steve more and more. He wrapped his arms around Steve's body, pulling them in closer together. "Mmmmm... bedroom.. now.." Steve mumbled while they held each other close. 

Steve lay on top of Tony pulling of his shirt and peppered him with kisses down his jawline. "God I hate fighting with you." Tony said putting his hands on Steve's waist. "Me too." Steve replied kissing down Tony's neck. 


"I'm sorry Tony. You deserve to know the truth." The bright sunshine was shining through the window and Tony was resting his body on Steve. Steve decided that his love for Tony wasn't worth losing over a secret, no matter how big- he loved him too much. Tony propped himself up on his elbow and looked at Steve. Steve didn't know how to explain things. "You know how everyone thought Phil Coulson died?" Tony nodded his head, "Yeah, but turned out he just passed out. Right?" Steve shook his head, "No Tony, this is going to sound crazy, but, he died." 

Tony looked gave him a confused glare.

"Tony, we were never on vacation.


Steve explained everything to Tony and they sat up in bed for about an hour and a half later, letting Tony sink everything in. "So... I... I died?" Tony said trying not to let the tears form. Steve rarely saw Tony cry and embraced him in a hug. "Yes. I cried for days Tony. I was a wreck. I don't know what I would do without you. Fury offered to bring you back and I instantly agreed. They inserted a memory into your brain to replace the whole thing." Steve said hugging him tighter, never wanting to let him go.

"And... You and Fury are the only ones that know?" Tony said sniffling. "Coulson and Tash also know. That's it. Everyone else was cleared by the scanner." Steve replied rubbing his hand through Tony's hair. "This can't be true." Tony said putting his head on Steve's chest. Steve just held Tony in his arms and then told him everything about Nigel and how he was shot. 

"That son of a bitch." Tony said, still in disbelief of everything that had happened. 



Aweeeee <3 

Aren't they just the cutest couple ever!!!

I have no idea where I'm going with this story, I estimate there will be around 10 more chapters at the most in this story before I finish (I have already planned the sequel)

I can't wait to see how it ends! Keep reading ;)



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