Don't Let Them See

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People were starting to stare as they walked past Tony in the hallway next to the elevator. He sat trembling on the ground near the doors as if he was a homeless man. Coulson had told the doctors to ignore it. So there he sat. Waiting. 


Just after the doctors below had awoken Steve to start the operation, Tony freaked out, knowing he couldn't handle watching, or even hearing the operation go on. Just the sounds of Steve's screaming and suffering was enough to spin Tony out of control. He left the operation room and Coulson followed him. He told Tony to wait up in the hospital while the underground operation remained ongoing. Tony gladly accepted, wanting nothing but to forget the sound of Steve's scared, worried, and confused voice when he woke up watching all the doctors starting to surround his brain.


Tony was glad that above the underground operation room you couldn't hear anything, including screams of pain. He sat pretzel-legged on the ground with his hands tapping at each of his knees. His head was tilted back against the wall, trying to relax and reassure himself that everything was going to be okay in the end. That's all he wanted; just a happy ending with the one he loved. 

His eyes were heavy and he knew that he hadn't slept more than two hours total for the past two and a half days. As he sat on the cold marble floor with doctors walking past, his eyes began to slide shut. He was suddenly startled when the elevator doors next to him slid open. He quickly ignored the doors and continued drifting off into sleep. 

He was once again, startled awake when Phil Coulson shook his shoulder, kneeling down next to him. "Agent?" Tony suddenly breathed in heavily realizing who he was. They both stood up. "I'm sorry to wake you up Mr. Stark, but the operation is at a checkpoint. They are halfway done and I decided it would be a good idea to let you know." Tony nodded at his response and rubbed his eyes. "God I need a coffee or something." 

They walked over to the coffee stand in the main hall and Tony poured himself a cup before offering one to Coulson. "No thanks." Coulson waved it off and looked around. Tony turned around and looked at him. "Who are you looking for?" He asked watching him glance around the room. "Well I've been getting calls from the team. They say they need me about something minor and I've also gotten calls from Ms. Potts, Colonel Rhodes, Natasha, Sam Wilson, and more, asking to come and see you and Steve and I simply keep telling them they can't because you won't let anyone in."

Tony stared, realizing all that Coulson was doing for Steve and him and covering up Bruce doing the operation. "Thank you." Tony said, grateful that he understood. Coulson looked at him and tried to hide a smile, "What was that? Did Mr. Stark just say what I think he said?" 

Tony just sighed, taking a drink of his coffee and tried not to laugh, "You heard me. I'm not saying it again." As he finished speaking, both of their eyes fell upon the people who were walking into the hospital, talking to the lady at the front desk.

"Dammit." Coulson said before jogging over to his team. Tony shortly followed before taking another long drink of the coffee and then setting it down. "For once I would just like to finish my coffee." He mumbled to himself. 

"Hey. I told you guys that you could handle the minor mission on your own.." Coulson said glancing over at Skye. Skye was the only other person who knew about this operation and she swore she wouldn't tell anyone. In fact, she told Coulson that she was going to distract the team from coming to the hospital at all. 

Skye gave him an upset smile which made him confused. FitzSimmons both laughed and May just smiled sarcastically. "Heya Coulson. Remember that truth serum Banner made? Well I think it works because they used it on me and I told them everything." Skye said with a plain smile, the truth serum was still in minor affect. 

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