Broken Trust

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(two months later)

Ever since Steve told Tony about the whole 'dying' thing, their bond has grown even closer. They had been dating for eight months now and seemed inseparable. There would always be some people who would hate them together but the majority of the world didn't seem to mind at the least. They felt like they could truly be themselves without any pressure at all. They would still sometimes see paparazzi taking pictures of them together when they were out but they honestly could care less.

It had been two months since Steve had gotten shot and Tony had died. When Fury found out that Steve told Tony, he was pissed off but got over it because he originally knew Steve probably couldn't handle the lying. Maria Hill and Coulson were furious that he did that but also got over it quickly because the fact that he was Captain America and that they made Tony sign a contract to never speak of it or anything related to it. 

Phil's team has been in search for Nigel ever since he escaped the Stark Tower the day Steve got shot but they haven't had any luck on finding a trace yet. 


It was a late night evening and Steve was laying on the couch reading a book. Tony had just gotten home from Stark Tower doing late night work. As he shut the door from inside and threw his keys on the kitchen counter, Steve lowered his book to see Tony smiling at him. "What?" He asked with a confused smile. Tony just walked over and sat next to him. "Nothing. You just look so cute reading." He replied. Steve just rolled his eyes and sat up. "Well, I'm really tired so I think I might go to bed." He said with a yawn stretching his arms out. "Yeah me too." Tony replied standing up. They went into their bedroom and got ready for bed. They got in the covers and wrapped their arms around each other. Tony instantly fell asleep and for awhile Steve just lay there listening to his heartbeat while he thought about Nigel. He eventually drifted off into sleep and rested his head against Tony's.

It was 1 AM in the morning when Steve was awakened by his phone. He unwrapped himself out of Tony's arms and turned around to his beside table. He rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times, and picked up his phone. He winced at the brightness of the screen and answered the call. "Um, hello?" He said yawning. "Captain, we've got him. Shield Headquarters... now." It was Phil and he hung up the phone. Steve immediately threw back the covers and got up. He put on a shirt and a pair of jeans and belt. He grabbed for his brown jacket and slipped it on. He almost forgot about Tony when he spoke up, "Steve? Where are you going?" He said sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes. "They've got Nigel." Steve simply replied, looking for where he set his phone. Tony suddenly got up and searched for clothes. "What are you doing? I'm just going to go alone." Steve said glancing over at him.

Tony just gave him the stare that said, 'are you an idiot'. "Steve, like hell I'm staying here. He killed me. I'm going, whether you like it or not pal." Steve just gave him a slight smile and they both walked out. "Besides, I'm a way better driver than you." Tony said as they got in the car. Steve just smirked and they drove off.

When they arrived at Shield, Tony parked the car and they both walked inside. "Do you know where we're going?" Tony asked Steve as they walked into the elevator. Steve pressed the base level button and nodded to Tony. "So what are you gonna do to him?" Tony asked. Steve just turned to Tony, "I'm going to kill him." 

Tony knew how worked up Steve was so he just stopped talking. As they hit the ground floor, they walked out and Steve led Tony down the long hallway. He eventually stopped at the glass door realizing that he didn't have authorization to get through. "Shit." He said under his breath. Tony gave him a confused glance when they heard Coulson behind them. "Need a hand?" He asked as he walked in front of Steve and scanned his eye and card. He typed in the keypad code and the door opened. 

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