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Steve awoke to the loud noise of Tony's phone ringing. He flung up. He had forgotten Tony fell asleep on him and he accidentally flung Tony off the couch. "What the hell?" Tony said rubbing his eyes sitting on the ground. "Sorry," Steve blushed. "I was in the middle of a bad dream and your phone woke me up." Tony stood up and grabbed his phone on the table. "Hello?" He answered. Steve listened to him talk and he could hear the other person on the line too. It sounded like Natasha. Maybe? "Ok. Yup. Be there soon." Tony said and he hung up his phone. "Avengers training." Tony said glancing at Steve's confused face. "Oh. Well, why didn't I get a call." Steve asked. "Natasha said she called you. You just didn't answer." Tony said smiling, "So you can hear my phone, but not your own?" He said and stood up. "Hey, to be fair, mine is not that loud!" Steve replied with a smirk. They both got up and got dressed. "You should probably wear one of my shirts, so they don't notice your wearing the same shirt as yesterday. Remember, this is our secret." Steve said putting on his belt. "True. But what if they notice your shirt?" Tony asked as Steve threw him a shirt. "Don't worry, I've worn that shirt like once." Steve replied. As Tony grabbed his keys, Steve walked up behind him. He turned Tony around and kissed him on the lips. "Let's go." Steve said breaking away the kiss and smiling. 

"Okay, so I'm gonna have to be 'mean' to you. With the nicknames and stuff like we used to be before this, so people don't notice." Tony said turning to Steve at a stoplight. "Awe, not the nicknames." Steve said laughing. They arrived at the SHIELD Headquarters and Tony parked his car in the parking lot. Steve and him both got out. "Wait? Do we tell them you gave me a ride or that we just met on the way in." Steve asked as they walked in. "Just say we met up. Okay now before we enter the Avengers training room, start arguing." Tony replied and they walked into the elevator. Once they reached the third floor they walked out to find the room. Once they spotted the door Steve said. "Um.. You are nothing like your father." Trying to make a mad impression. Tony caught on, "I am too, actually I'm a hell of a lot better than him!" They opened the doors. "I would pick Howard over you any time. You are self-centered, rude, careless, and so much more." Steve said with his "mad" (but really adorable) face. Bruce Banner walked over to them both. "Can you not fight for just once!?" He yelled. They both stopped "arguing." 

"He started it." Tony said pointing to Steve. "What? No!" Steve replied. "Does it really matter!? You act like a couple of kids on the playground!" Natasha spoke up. "Guys we have training, I suggest we start." Sam said. "Sam's right." Natasha replied and they all formed a group. "Okay who's going with who for partner training." Clint asked. "Well," Said Natasha laughing, we all know who Tony and Steve want to go with." Everyone laughed. Steve tried not to blush. "What?" They both asked? "Tony, you really think we wouldn't find out?" Natasha said laughing. "Was is Pepper." Steve said turning to Tony with an angry tone. "God dammit, Pepper said that-" Tony started. "It was me." Sam spoke up trying not to laugh. Tony gave Steve a angry glance. "You said he wouldn't tell!" He said. "I thought he wouldn't!" Steve said innocently. "What the hell Sam." Steve looked at Sam. "Sorry bro. I couldn't help it. It had to be said. Besides, everyone knew you were gay before this." Sam said. "What!?" Steve yelled. "Steve.. it was a bit obvious." Natasha said. "When did Sam tell you all this." Steve asked everyone. "Just this morning." Bruce said. "I could see Steve being gay. But never Tony." Natasha said laughing at Tony. "Shut the hell up Natasha." Tony said now angry. "Wait until Thor hears this news when he visits from Asgard." Natasha said trying to be serious. "Too bad he's not here now."

Steve and Tony stood there angry that everyone knew their secret. They didn't want anyone to know. This could not hit the newspapers! That would ruin everything. Tony stormed out of the room in anger. "Was he wearing your shirt Steve?" Clint asked laughing. "Shut the hell up." Steve said. "Well someones a bit snappy." Bruce said. Sam turned to Steve and apologized. "It's fine. I just don't want Tony to be mad." Steve said and he ran out of the room looking for Tony. "Wow. You can really tell they care for each other though." Bruce said as the door shut.

He ran down the halls and walked into the bathroom. He saw Tony standing near the wall with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry Tony! I didn't know Sam would tell." Steve said. He went up to Tony and pulled him in and hugged him. "I'm sorry." He repeated. "It's okay." Tony said hugging him back. Steve could tell Tony was still upset. He looked at Tony in the eyes and kissed him. Tony kissed him back. "It's.. okay.." Tony repeated again quietly through the kisses.

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