No Way Out

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"Phil, where the hell is Fury?" Tony asked as he left the room Nigel was being kept in. Steve slowly followed. "Whoa, whoa. Hold on? What's going on?" Coulson asked. "It's Steve. He's not really Steve. Well he is but his brain- it's being controlled completely. He's a human robot Coulson." Tony replied quickly. Phil stood for a few moments letting things sink in before talking, "Okay. Follow me you two."

They left the ground floor and took the elevator up to Bruce's science lab. "Alright, I'm going to have Banner scan your brain while I get Fury on the line. We can fix this." Coulson said as the elevator went up. Steve just looked at Tony with the face of apology. "It's not your fault Steven." Tony said to him. He hated seeing Steve upset. The doors opened and the three of them walked out and stopped at a fairly large door. Coulson went to the keypad next to the door and pressed numbers and scanned his card. The door slid open and they walked through. The room they were walking in was very large and had shelves and cabinets holding jars, tubes, and all sorts of science tools. There was a desk on one side of the room with a man bending over his microscope. 

"Ah, Mr. Banner. We need your help, desperately." Coulson said. Bruce glanced up from his microscope in surprise. "Oh um hi. What can I help you guys with?" He replied taking off his glasses and walking over.

"Steve is being controlled by Hydra. His whole brain is like a robot machine controlled by a simple remote or something. We need you to fix it." Tony said explaining things. Bruce gave a look of confusion before slowly nodding. "Come here." He said leading them to another door in the lab. He unlocked it and they walked in. "I need to go, I'll be back soon. I will try to get hold of Fury." Coulson said to them before leaving. 

The new room they had now entered was like a hospital room. There was a long glass bar separating two rooms. One room had computers and a desk with chairs. The other had a CAT Scanner in it. "We are going to scan his brain." Bruce said turning to Tony. "Steve, you follow me." 

"What if I'm controlled to break out or something?" Steve asked worried. "We'll have to strap you down good. "Don't worry." Bruce replied reassuring him. Bruce led him into the room with the scanner and Steve laid down on the long bed that would scan him through the machine. Tony walked over and put his hand on Steve's shoulder while Bruce strapped him down multiple times. "We will fix you okay." 

When Steve was all strapped down Bruce and Tony walked behind the glass into the other room and Bruce set up all his computers and hooked up the scanner. "Now Steve. Just stay relaxed okay?" Bruce said through the glass. Steve just slowly nodded and Bruce turned on the machine. Steve was slowly pulled in through a tube and the machine started to scan his brain. "This may take awhile. All we can do now is wait until the machine is finished." Bruce said turning to Tony. Tony rubbed his hand through his hair and sat down. "So how are you two doing?" Bruce asked trying to start a conversation. Tony just turned to him, "Good. He's great. We're almost going on nine months pretty soon here." He replied with a smile. "That's good for you two then." Bruce said. 

"Tony? When did he say he was captured? When did they take over his brain?"

"When we were in the room where Nigel was being kept in, he said around two months ago or so. The only thing they weren't controlling part of his emotions." Tony replied. "God I need a beer."

The door to the room suddenly swung open and Natasha and Sam ran through. "Where is he? Is he okay?" Natasha said in a panic. "Natasha he's fine. We are scanning his brain right now to see how bad the damage is." Bruce said. Tony gave Bruce a confused look, 'damage'?

Tony stood up and turned to Natasha but couldn't explain how he felt. Natasha just walked over and gave him a hug. "I know what this feels like. It will be fine." She said. "Oh my God." Tony heard Bruce say over his shoulder. He let go of Natasha and they both looked at what Bruce was staring at. The computer had fully analyzed Steve's brain. His brain did not look like a brain. The scan showed wires within his brain cells connecting to every area except for one spot. Tony assumed that was emotions or something. "What the hell is that?" Sam asked. "His brain."


Steve had been injected with sleep medicine to keep him asleep while Tony discussed what would be happening to Steve with Fury and Bruce. 

"You have to! There's got to be a way!" Tony shouted trying not to explode. "Tony, it's like I've said before, trying to fix that brain would kill him. There's nothing we can do." Bruce said while Tony paced back and forth rubbing his eyes. "So. So we're just going to let him die then? God dammit Fury, what about that alien blood!? Something!" Tony exclaimed trying not to let the tears fall. "We can't. The base where we kept the blood was blown up and we used the extra on you."

"I'm sorry Tony." Fury said.

"Nope. We've got to do something. Bruce, find something! C'mon he's a super soldier! Wouldn't that regenerate his cells or something!???"

Bruce suddenly looked up. "I forgot about that! On any other normal human the operation to fix his brain would kill them but Steve is a super soldier. That might just work but I can't promise anything. There is only a small chance it would work. It wouldn't hurt to try."

"Then let's get this done! We've got to do anything we can." Tony piped up. Bruce looked at Fury. He slowly nodded, "What are the chances of his survival over this?" Fury asked. Bruce thought for a few moments, "Well I've never done this before but the chances are extremely low. I'm willing to try anything to save him but I would only give it a 10-20% chance." 

"Well it's the only chance we've got!" Tony said wiping away at his eyes. Bruce nodded. "I will get the other doctors and we can start the operation within two hours. But I'll need Steve to stay asleep to prevent him from being controlled. Tony just nodded and took a deep breath. He knew that the chances of Steve living was very low but he wouldn't think like that.

Tony felt the anger rush through him. He asked Coulson to take him down to Nigel again. He had took Steve's gun and tucked it in the back of his jeans under his shirt. 

When he got do the ground base he walked through into Nigel's room. 

"Ah. Hello Mr. Stark. How is your day going?" 

Tony ignored the greeting and pulled out the gun. "Steve might die- all because of you. You son of a bitch." He shot the gun a total of five times at Nigel in the head killing him for good. 

The door swung open and Coulson ran in with other Shield agents. "Stark. What the hell have you done? He was our only way leading us to the Hydra bases!" Coulson shouted taking the gun away from him. 

Tony knew that Nigel was their only way to find the other bases but he didn't care. All he could think about was,
'Steve is going to die'



Only two more chapters after this!! 

Everything is going downnnnn!

I felt like this chapter was kinda rushed and I'm sorry for that!! I've been really busy! Sorry for any spelling errors or anything like that :/

-Just letting you know, Nigel is actually really dead now XD



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