~6~ Going Home

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I was sitting on the hospital bed next to Dylan who was asleep on my arm. It was seriously starting to get numb when is he going to wake up. In the middle of my thoughts, Jason and Jacob came back into the room with some food.

"It was hard, but we were able to sneak some Mcdonalds in here," Jason said. "Thank God, because the hospital food literally tastes so disgusting, no joke," I said after receiving my McDonalds. 

"So when can I get out of here?" I asked curiously on when I can get back to my Netflix and chill.  "Well the smart genius out there said in a little after they do some more tests," Jacob said. "He is actual-" "whatever" Jacob said cutting me off.

"what was wrong anyway did the doctor say?" I asked curiously as to what happened to me. "The doctor said that you had an allergic reaction to the lobster in the food and that you have asthma,'' Jason said waiting for me to blow off.

"ASTHMA, but I have never had an asthma attack in my life even when I am doing practice for sports," I said. This was absolute craziness I have never felt an asthma attack in my life.

''I thought the same thing at first, but we cant take any risk here, so just to be on the safe side we are giving you an inhaler just to be sure," Jason said. he continued on, "There is also an emergency inhaler with me that I will put in the house in case you don't have yours on you."

"Oh okay" This was a lot for me to take in. "I know this is a lot for you to take in right now, but you will get used to it trust me," Jason said.

"Okay I trust you," I said. I have always put my full trust in my brothers and when I do it always seems to go right.

"so what do we do now?'' Justin asked. ''Well look who has finally reached planet earth,'' Dylan said after just waking up from his sleep. ''You shouldn't be talking sleeping beauty.'' ''Woah what has gotten you so feisty Justin?'', Jason asked

"Nothing just tired that is all" Justin replied solemnly. "Are you sure?" Jacob asked. "YES, now PLEASE leave me alone," Justin shouted and a second later ran out the room. "I will get him" Jacob replied and ran out the room to get him.

Justin is acting so weird all of a sudden. I wonder if it was because of me. I know we aren't the closest siblings, but I don't think I irritate him that much.

"Hey I am sure it isn't your fault, Lisa you know how Justin can get sometimes I am sure its nothing," Jason said noticing my worry.

"Besides why are you worrying so much it is you that is in the hospital bed," Dylan said.  "I know I know its a habit," I said. " A habit that you need to fix," Jason said whiles sitting in the seat Justin was sitting in before.

Jacobs POV

I ran after Justin trying to catch up with him. "JUSTIN" "JUSTIN, wait" I shouted finally reaching

him. I paused taking a quick second to catch my breath. 

"What do you want?" Justin asked in an already bored and angry tone. "I think you know exactly what I want," I said. As the second oldest I have to help Jason keep the others in check.

"You can tell me, Justin, I am your older brother you can tell me anything." " I, don't know if I can," Justin said tears starting to cloud his vision.

"Hey, hey, hey it will be alright if you just tell me I may be able to help you fix it," I told my scared little brother. 

"You can't, you can't fix this Jacob, this is bad I don't know what to do," Justin said getting more and more frustrated by the second.

"It is okay Justin you can tell me when you are ready." I said. "okay'' Justin said leaning into my arms. I was quite surprised, but I made the most out of that moment with my little brother.

Lisas POV

A few moments later Jacob and Justin came back into the room. Justin went straight to the corner on his phone and Jacob gave us a look as if to say in due time.

The nurse came into the room after a few more minutes. " Well it seems to me Lisa that you are ready to go home," The nurse said. "Yaaaaassssss" Finally I get to go home after an entire day.

"Just make sure that you have the necessary things that you need and you should be good." The nurse said.

"Okay thank you, nurse," Jason said and gathered my stuff. I had just enough strength to get my clothes on by myself.

"Are you sure you can do that by yourself?" Dylan asked. "Yes I am sure I am neither blind nor paralyzed I think I can put my own clothing on." "Okay, just asking" Dylan replied.

After about 10 minutes of me putting my clothes on, I was finished. Just as I was about to walk out of the room door, Jacob pulls me back. "Hey! what was that for !" I said astonished. "Not so fast you have to go in a wheelchair," Jacob said with a smirk.

"WHAT that is ridiculous I can walk perfectly fine," I said wondering why I need a wheelchair if I can walk just fine." "Precaution" was all he said when he went to retrieve the wheelchair.

After another couple of minutes, I was in the wheelchair much to my dismay and we were on the way to my freedom.

"Yessss Yesss my freedom," I said we finally reached the entrance and started the journey towards our vehicle. "hey I have one more question?" I asked.

"What?'' Dylan asked, " Whatever happened to your girlfriend?" "Oh she said she would pass back this afternoon to see how you were doing"

Oh great, just peachy.

I know I haven't updated in a while, but it is for good reason. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter It took me a while to write it. I should have another chapter out on Monday.

Happy living~Peacefulwriting101

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