~41~Secret Date Night

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The first half of the day was normal. Nothing spectacular happened, except for the small argument in the hall between two random people. Justin wanted so badly for them to fight, and honestly, I did too, but a teacher broke it up before it could escalate.

Now Anna, Lucas, Sarah, and I were seated at our usual seat. "Honestly, if they were to fight that would have been the highlight of my year," Sarah said. She and Aerial were talking about the almost fight since it happened.

"I know right! Like stupid teachers are always ruining the fun," Aerial said taking a bite out of her pizza.  She would have gotten fries, except they didn't have any.

"Sometimes I think they want the fight to go on, but they have to stop it so they won't get fired," Sarah replied, balling up her bag of chips. I tuned them out looking around the cafeteria once again.

I noticed that I hadn't seen Sally all day, and to be honest, I was starting to get a little worried. Knowing what I know now didn't help the situation. "Are you alright?" Anna whispered next to me. I nodded taking my mind off the subject for the time being. "Are you sure? Cause you haven't really been here today," she said looking at me.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Just thinking about someone," I said continuing to eat my burger. "Okay, well after school we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to the park?" she asked. I nodded. "Sure. I can only come for a little. I have somewhere else to be," I answered.

Anna wiggled her eyebrows. "Ooh, might this be related to a boy?" she asked. Lucas rolled his eyes. I was still waiting for the day he actually speaks to me. Like a whole sentence with meaning, and actually keep the conversation going.

My probably tomato face gave me away. "Oh so it is, " she said poking my cheek. I swatted her hands away and gave her a playful glare.

"Would it happen to be the boy from that night we went to the cafe?" she asked giving me an all-knowing look.

I nodded sheepishly. She smirked at me in return. "I told you, " she said in a sing-song way. "Yeah, I know. You practically fortold it, " I said. "That's what I do best, " she said grinning.

Lunch went by and soon enough it was 6th hour. My favorite class ever. I hope you noted the sarcasm.

I went in and sat in my usual seat next to Lucas. Justin wasn't here yet, no surprise, so I decided to make conversation with Lucas.

"So, how has your morning been going?" I asked turning to face him. "Good."

I waited for him to elaborate but that never happened. "What about that almost fight? That was pretty funny right?" I asked chuckling nervously.

This kid hadn't even looked up at me. "Yeah, I guess." This conversation was clearly one-sided. I cleared my throat and turned back into my seat feeling more awkward than ever.

Was it something I did? Said? Is it the way I look? "Why don't you like me?" I asked turning around in my seat.

I don't want to seem desperate for his attention or anything, but I at least wanted him to like me. Even if it's just a little.

Just as he was about to answer the teacher interrupted. "Okay, class! I am talking now so that means all other conversations cease, " he said getting in front of the class.

"Is he a god now?" Lucas mumbled. I chuckled a little and cleared my throat when the teacher gave me a look.

Justin had still yet to arrive in class. He seemed to be running extra late today. As if someone read my mind he came strolling in through the door as if it was casual Friday.

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