~65~ Reunion

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I woke up in the same position I fell asleep, in Jason's arms. Everything was still fresh, but at the moment I didn't want to think about it.  The craziness that I have been put through over the past few hours has been drowned out by the calmness I was currently feeling now with Jason. 

I looked up at Jason to see him looking down at me. "Do you feel better?" he asked after kissing my forehead. I nodded giving him a smile. "Good," he said more to himself. "The doctor came in while you were asleep. He said you should be clear to go by tonight."

I was almost so excited to hear that, but then I remembered. Go where? Certainly not back home, if I could even call it that anymore. I didn't get to see anything, thankfully, but it was still such a....horrifying experience.

"Hey, hey," Jason said making me look up at him. "I know what you're thinking. You don't have to worry about that okay?" he asked. I took in what he said. Jason would handle everything. He always did. I should be fine. I nodded and tried to put the thought at the back of my head. I was at least going to be out of this hospital.

There was a short moment of silence before Jason spoke up again. "Do you think you're ready to see everyone else?" he asked. I had almost forgotten. "Of course I want to see them," I said looking up at him. 

He chuckled and gently moved me to the other side of the bed off of him. "Ok. I'll be right back. I'm going to get them." he said. He quickly left and arrived just as fast, this time with everyone. I smiled seeing all of the familiar faces. They were the same people that were here earlier, only now I remembered them.

The room immediately felt warmer again. I was engulfed in numerous hugs before I could even say anything, but I didn't mind. I just embraced it. I felt so safe at the moment. "Guys be careful!" Jason said when I was basically in a dog pile. "You don't know how relieved I am right now," Jacob said pulling me into yet another hug.

"Hey, why does he get all of the hugs?" Justin pouted. "If anything I'm the most relieved."

"Justin, this isn't a competition," Dylan said. "And?" I was going to tell them to stop but I started coughing instead. Worry immediately spread to everyone's faces. "Are you okay? Do you need water? She probably needs water. Dylan go get her some water," Jason said.

Dylan ran out and in a few minutes brought back some water. It was much needed. "Thank you," I said once I finished. My throat still hurt a little, but it was much better now. "Of course sweetie," Jason said smiling at me. 

Jacob moved Dylan aside so that he could sit in the chair next to my bed. "Now that I am not worried about you, I'm starving," Justin said. "Yeah me too."

"Same." The other boys chorused in. I scrunched my eyebrows. "Well, then why didn't you eat?" I asked. "Ah she is still spicy," Grayson said. I almost didn't see him. Dylan nudged him and then rolled his eyes at me. 

"I'm not gonna answer that question. I am sure you are starving too," Dylan said. I hadn't realized it earlier, but I was. I didn't remember the last time I ate. "Okay. I am going to try to sneak in some McDonald's or something. Justin wanna come?" Jason asked. Justin nodded rubbing his stomach. 

"Okay, call me if anything happens," Jason said to Jacob. "Nothings gonna happen," I said slightly rolling my eyes. "Just making sure," he said smiling at me. 

He and Justin left and I was left with Jacob, Dylan, and Grayson. I was about to say something to break the silence but Grayson beat me to it. Which at first I was happy about because everyone was just smiling at me, but I wish a stupid joke had come out of his mouth instead.

"Can I speak with Lisa?" he asked. Dylan and Jacob looked at each other. "Sure," Dylan said not even attempting to go anywhere. Grayson rolled his eyes. "Alone," he said gesturing for Jacob and Dylan to leave. "Uhh," Jacob said before being cut off by Grayson. 

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