~40~ Explaining

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"Lisa, sweetie, wake up. You have to eat dinner," I heard someone say. I groaned and flipped over covering my head with my blanket. The person didn't stop shaking me. 'What?" I groaned out keeping my head under the cover.

"Come on, you have to eat," the person said, taking the blanket off of my head. I blinked at the sudden brightness. They actually turned the lights on. When my eyes adjusted it came into contact with Jacobs.

"Couldn't you have just let me sleep?" I asked sitting up groggily. "Yeah, I could have, but you need to eat. We have pizza downstairs. Nobody felt like cooking." I nodded. My stomach growled and I felt my face heat up.

Jacob laughed. "See, your stomach agrees. Come on, let's go," he said picking me up. "I can walk fine on my own," I said laughing.

"Alright then," he said dropping me onto the floor. "Ow!," I said rubbing my butt. "Was that really necessary?" I asked glaring up at him. "You said you could walk on your own, so I let you," he said going down the stairs.

I scowled at his back and continued down the stairs after him. "Thank God! Jason would not let us eat until you got down," Justin said. "Probably because you would have eaten all like the pigs you are," I commented towards him and Dylan who were both eyeing the pizza.

It was one cheese, one meat lovers, and one BBQ chicken. All of them were large pizzas. "Geesh, were we going to have a party?" I asked taking my seat next to Jason.

"Oh please, this is nothing," Dylan said already grabbing three large slices. I grabbed a BBQ chicken slice and started eating that. I could tell Dylan was just itching to ask me about earlier today. There was really no way out of this.

Everyone finished all of the pizzas shortly leaving only about 3 slices. In the end, I only ended up getting 2. They were some huge slices. "You know you guys eat like literal beasts," I said watching as Justin finished his last slice.

"Or you eat like an Ant," Justin replied back. "No, I don't," I replied back. I always have to justify myself whenever I am around Justin. He just invigorates me sometimes. "Okay, how about this everyone eats equally," Jason said grinning. I rolled my eyes.

"That's doesn't work anymore Jason," I said. Whenever we were younger and Justin and I had a fight about which was better, Jason would always come in and tell us that both of our ideas were equally good, and oddly enough it would work.

"Well, it was worth a try, wasn't it?" He asked getting up and throwing away all of the paper plates. Not really, I thought to myself. I didn't see how they were able to fit that much food into their bodies anyway.

After 2 slices I was stuffed. Justin had at least 4. Yet it seems it doesn't go anywhere after they ate it. It like it goes into some black hole. Meanwhile, I would probably gain about 10 pounds.

Everyone stayed at the table when Jason came back. A toddler would know what was expected. I sighed. It seemed we were always having these types of conversation at the kitchen table. "Can we go to the living room?" I asked already getting up. I sat in the middle of the couch. Dylan and Jacob sat on either side of me while Jason and Justin sat on the other couch.

Of course, it had to be all of them at one time huh?


"Was it a boy?" Dylan asked next to me. I mentally rolled my eyes. Who was the one interrupting now? "No, it wasn't. Long story short Sally told me the real reason why she suddenly stopped being friends with me," I said looking down.  I felt Dylan tense up at the mention of her.

I suddenly remembered something again and mentally cursed myself for not remembering before I opened my mouth. I couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell them the real reason. Justin must have noticed because he quirked up.

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