~14~ Making New Friends/Betrayal

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I and my hopefully new bestie sat on my bed watching The Arrow on Netflix.

"You know this is one of my favorite shows, I could binge watch it for hours," I said hoping to start a conversation.

"Yeah me too," Luxon said looking over at me and smiling.

Oh, that smile could make me melt, but I am still in love with Tony. Oh, Tony. speaking of Tony that reminded me of Sally which was not a good thought right now.

All of a sudden I lost my happy mood.

"Hey now, do you wanna tell me what got you so upset," Luxon said putting his full attention on me.

I hesitated for a moment.

"You can tell me anything."

"Well I like this boy, and I told my best friend about him. She voluntarily made a vow not to mess with him because I liked him. Then I caught her flirting with him, but it's not the actual flirting that got me so upset, it's the fact that she broke that vow. I don't know about her but that meant a lot to me" I got out all in one breath.

I was so focused on telling the story, that I did not realize that Luxon's hands were on my knee.

I could already feel my cheeks turning pink.

I cleared my throat and Luxon moved his hand.

Part of me wanted it there and part of me didn't.

"Well if you still really like this boy, show him and if he isn't a jerk and not blind, he will realize how lucky he would be to have you," Luxon said with a smile on his face.

"Aaawww thanks Luxon, I can already tell we are going to be good friends," I said shoulder bumping Luxon.

"Yeah," Luxon said seeming sad for a brief moment before looking at me with a seemingly forced smile.

"Uummm I should probably go before one of your brother's figure out I am here," Luxon said getting off of my bed and heading towards the door.

"Thank you, by the way. I really appreciated your comfort." I told Luxon.

" Any time" then he exited closing the door behind him.

Wow what an evening. I wonder what's going on downstairs. I wonder if she is still here. I could not even bring myself to say her name. That's how mad and upset I am at her.

I decided to leave my room instead of staying up here the entire night.

As I was walking down the stairs I bumped into someone.

I looked up and saw Dylan.

"Hey where have you been I haven't seen you all night" I could smell the alcohol on his breath, but it didn't seem to be too much.

"Uuum I didn't feel very well that's all," I said trying to avoid eye contact.

He gave me a long look.

"Why are you looking at me like that I didn't do anything," I said getting a little panicked.

"I never said you did anything," Dylan said eying me.

"Did you do something?" Dylan asked.

"No, of course not," I said looking elsewhere.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm ok," he said walking away whiles looking at me.

I gave a nervous smile Continuing down the stairs.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips. Hey if I wasn't going to party I was at least going to eat.

I opened the bag of chips and sat at the counter.

I wonder if Sally even cared that I saw or if she even knew.

Someone walked In and speak if the devil and it shall appear.

She didn't say anything to me as she walked in and got bottled water from the refrigerator.

"Sally" I called to her, but she did not even acknowledge me.

Ok, that's enough I need answers.

"Ok Sally I don't know what it is that I did to you, but acting out in this way is crossing a line, a line that you basically already crossed," I said tears forming in my eyes.

She just looked at me.

"You made a promise and you broke it. Sally, we were best friends since the 2nd grade what did I do that caused this." I didn't hide the tears falling down my face.

Sally looked hurt but quickly masked it up with anger.

"Well you know what Lisa you happened and I only became friends with you because your family was rich you were never a true friend to me," Sally said this and stormed out of the kitchen.

I couldn't believe what she just said. Our entire friendship down the drain.

I ran up the steps tears rolling down my face. I passed Dylan on the way up the stairs but did not bother to stop.

I ran into my room and locked the door.

I can already feel a panic attack coming on.

Ok just breathe in. Out. In. Out.

It wasn't working. I was trying to take my mind off of what Sally just said but I could not find myself to.

She only became friends with me, because I had money. I don't understand, I thought what we had was real.

I started to see spots and it was increasingly getting harder to breathe.

I could faintly hear pounding on my door, but I was too weak to go and unlock it.

I slid to the floor putting my head in my hands, willing this attack to go away.

"LISA OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW PLEASE!!" I faintly heard someone say, but I couldn't make out who it was.

My vision was everywhere and at this point, I just wanted to give up.

My bedroom door suddenly burst open and 6 figures came Into the room.

I was barely conscious at this part.

I felt someone pick me up in their arms just before I blacked out.


Once upon a time, I updated on time.

I know it's been a while, but there is a new cover, and it is hard to come up with a good chapter line.

I had to restart this chapter so many times it is ridiculous, but I do it for you guys cause you are the best.

Let me know if you are enjoying this any feedback would be great.

Until next time.


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