~28~ Restraining Order/Beach Fun

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Approximately 20 minutes after Mom decided to drop in everyone had calmed down, even Dylan, well, sort of. He was still pretty ticked off about Moms visit. I'm pretty sure all of them were, they just weren't showing it as much as he was.

Grayson was upstairs talking with Dylan, meanwhile, Jason, Jacob, Justin and I were downstairs.

"Jason, this is ridiculous. You are a cop. Can't you just arrest her?" Justin asked. "It's not that easy, Justin," Jason said back sighing. I could only imagine how much stress he was under.

"What do you mean it's not that easy?" Justin shouted.  "Justin," Jacob said sitting next to him. "Look, I know you are worried, and you're scared, but you have to believe us when we say we will handle it, okay?" Jacob said.

Justin looked at Jacob for a couple seconds, before nodding his head. "Fine," he said. I just sat in the corner quietly. Absorbing everything. I didn't know exactly what to feel.

The fact that she could just drop in at any time she pleased, scared me. And no matter what we do to keep her away from us, she will most likely just buy her way out like she did last time.

I just wish she would go away and never come by ever again. After a couple silent minutes, Grayson came downstairs. "Uum, Dylan is still upstairs cooling off. My mom wants me home, but I am right down the street if you need me," he said directing the last part of his sentence towards me.

"Alright, bye man," Jacob said doing a bro hug with him. Grayson was like another little brother to them. He left and it was yet again, quiet. My cheek was still very sore from earlier.

Justin came over and sat next to me. He examined the bruise a little. "Lisa, I don't know, but I think now is the right time to tell them about Dad," He whispered to me.

I did think about that for a while, but we don't know for sure. "Maybe Dad was only trying to help us, or he means no harm," I whispered back to him.

He had a look of conflict on his face. "See, I knew I shouldn't have told you," I said. "No, it's not that. Its just we are playing a dangerous game by not telling them. We don't know what could happen," he whispered back.

"I know, but can't we just wait a little while longer before we tell them?" I asked. He contemplated for a while. "Okay," he said.  I nodded.

He got up, went to the kitchen and came back. He handed me an ice pack. "You should really put some ice on that," he said. I took it and flinched a little at the coldness but nonetheless, it was soothing.

Why can't we just all relax on a secret cruise in the Caribbean sipping Mai Tais? That is definitely on my to-do list before I turn 20. Jason walked towards me and bent down to my height.

"Lisa, did she say anything to you while you were down here?" He asked. I thought about what she said. It wasn't the first and I had a feeling it wouldn't be the last.

I shook my head no. I didn't want them to worry about anything else. They already had a lot on their plate, especially Jason. "Okay," he said nodding as if content.

He kissed both Justin's and I forehead, then went to speak with Jacob. Usually, Justin would wipe his kiss off in disgust, but I guess today was different.

I decided to go and check on Dylan seeing as though he was still up in his room. I knocked on his door. "Come in," I heard after a couple seconds.

I opened the door and saw him lying on his back on his bed. He was throwing a ball in the air.  "Hey Dylan," I said. I could tell he was still a little bothered by what happened earlier.

I sat next to him. I hated when they were mad or upset about something related to me. He caught the ball and threw into the pile of other things that were taking over his room.

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