~34~ First Day of School/Surprise Visit

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Important A/N at the end. Enjoy.

It's Monday morning and I am freaking out. Liam insisted to drop me off last night because he didn't want me to walk home alone at night. I didn't complain because I didn't want to either. I did make sure he dropped me off at least a block from my house so that I can sneak in the back without my brothers knowing.

Liam insisted to drop Anna off since she would have to walk home otherwise. Now here I am at 7:30 in the morning sitting at the breakfast table. Jason woke up extra early to make us a big breakfast for our first day of school.

Jacob also woke up early, only to bid us goodbye."Do I have to go? Can't I just do online school?" I asked for probably the 15th time. Jason rolled his eyes at my attempt to ditch school.

"No, Lisa, you need the association. I don't want you to grow up to be antisocial."

"Doing online school doesn't make me antisocial," I protested.

"Can you just finish your breakfast before its time to go?" he asked leaning on the counter. "Fine," I grumbled taking a bite out of my pancake. I knew this conversation would be going nowhere.

Soon enough it was time to go and Dylan would be driving us. I grabbed my backpack and was about to leave when Jason called me back. "Do I not get a goodbye hug?" he asked opening his hand.

I wrapped my arms around his torso because that was about how high I could reach."Have a good day okay sweetie? I am sure you will do great," he said kissing my forehead. "Yeah, if I make it out alive," I said. I might just die of embarrassment. "You know what to do if anyone bothers you right?" he asked looking at me.

"Yes, yes, yes I know to come and tell one of you guys," I said rolling my eyes. This is has become like a ritual now. "Good," he replied.

"Justin let's go!" Dylan shouted up the stairs while fixing his hair in the mirror. He has been fixing his hair for a good 10 minutes now. He said it has to be absolutely perfect. "I can't find my phone!" Justin ran down the stairs looking everywhere.

"Well now is not the time. It is time to go," Dylan replied grabbing his backpack. "But I can't leave without my phone," Justin said running his hand through his hair. "You will be fine. Let's go before we are late." Dylan said guiding Justin to the car. "Hold on, you're forgetting something else," Jason said holding his hands open.

Dylan and Justin both groaned while I laughed. They hated all that lovey-dovey stuff. "Jason, please don't make us do this," Dylan groaned. Jason walked up to them and smashed them both in a hug, just as Justin was about to run away.

"Have a great first day of school lil bros," he said. Justin broke free and fixed his hair. "Okay, okay, you're gonna ruin my outfit," he said. "Wow, I am really feeling that brotherly love," Jason said to which Justin rolled his eyes.

I hugged Jason and went in the backseat of Dylan's car. Once we were all in, Jacob came to the car. "No speeding, and please try not to get a detention on the first day," he said mostly aiming his remark at Dylan.

"What are you talking about? I am a picture perfect student," he said with a fake shocked look. I snorted at that earning a glare from him. "The fact that you assumed I was talking to you simply proves otherwise," Jacob said.

"What? You were clearly talking to me."

"Okay bye, have a good first day. Love you guys," Jacob said walking inside. "Picture perfect student my foot," Justin said once we were on the road. "I feel like you are the type of student that just annoys everyone," Dylan remarked back.

I rolled my eyes. While they were bickering I was trying not to fly out of this car with how nervous I was. We arrived in about 10 minutes. Dylan seemed straight up excited and Justin just looked bored already.

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