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Our Aunt finished sharing out some small gifts she got for us. She got me a bracelet that had the letter A on it which I assumed was for the first letter in my name. Everyone else got their gifts which honestly wasn't that interesting.

I'm sorry if I sound a little bratty but I was definitely not in the mood. I was mostly trying to restrain myself from strangling my cousin, and I didn't get much sleep. The only thing that kept me going was the thought that if I didn't strangle her I would be able to get ice cream tonight.

"Lisa, do you mind coming with me?" Aunt Milly asked bringing me back to reality. I nodded and got up to follow her. We went into my room and she closed the door.

"So, let's talk," she said. I gave her a strange look and then nodded slowly. "Okay, about what?" I asked sitting on my bed. "Well, how have you been, what's been going on? How are your brothers treating you?" She asked.

"Everything is going great. My brothers are well," I said nodding. I am definitely not the social type if you couldn't tell. "We went to the theatre yesterday," I mentioned. "That's nice," she commented.

I don't know what she expected me to say. It was really awkward. I only see her about 3 times a year. However, her kids came more often, unfortunately. "Ok. Do you have any boyfriends?" I shifted uncomfortably. "No."

"What!? but you are so beautiful, how do you not have a boyfriend?"

"I'm 13."

"Oh age is just a number," She said waving her hand and laughing. I forced a smile to make her feel better. "Yeah." Cue the awkward silence. "Well, I am glad you are doing fine. I know it has been kinda tough on you guys," she said.

"It's fine." I didn't want her to feel guilty or anything. My mom's actions had nothing to do with her, and she has always helped us as much as she could. It was just awkward whenever we spoke. She nodded and then left.

 Thank goodness. I left after her and went downstairs. Only Justin and Ashley were downstairs and they were both on their phones. Everyone else was outside chatting it up. I sat next to Justin and watched him play a game on his phone.

Jason still had mine. He said I can get it back tomorrow after I basically begged him for it. "Can I try?" I asked. He gave me his phone and I began playing. During my gameplay, the phone was snatched out of my hand by someone above me.

"Hey!" I shouted turning around to find the culprit. And of course, it had to be Derek and Dylan. Life just hated me at the moment. No scotch that, I live with Dylan, so life hated me all the time.

"I was playing on that," I exclaimed. "When did she get a phone?" Derek asked Dylan, dangling the phone out of my reach. "That's not even her phone, its mine!" Justin shouted."Even better," Derek smirked. "I have a game we can play," Dylan started. Justin threw his head back with a groan. "Dylan, stop being a jerk and give me my phone."Dylan thought about it for a second. 

"Nah." Then Derek threw the phone to Dylan who barely caught it. Dylan ran down the hallway and threw it to Derek who was across the room."Hey!" Justin ran to get his phone. As much as I would love to help him-not-I think I will sit this one out.

 I huffed as they took the only thing that kept me from dying of boredness. You know on second thought, I am not going to sit this one out. They were simply that irritating that letting them have that satisfaction was now out of the question.

 I got up and trudged to where they were still throwing Justin's phone around. "Hey, glad you came to join us," Derek exclaimed as he caught Justin's phone just in time before it fell. "Give him his phone back."

 I didn't know exactly what I was going to do after that. Being bored must have driven me to insanity. "What was that?"My eyes widened in fear. Why couldn't I have just stayed downstairs? I cleared my throat." I said, give him the phone. We were playing on it." 

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