~47~ A Decaying Friendship

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"Justin you can't just go around trying to fight people!" Jason exclaimed. We were all home now. After school, Jacob took me to get a haircut. Now my hair was a little below my shoulders. It felt so light and so free. I will admit, I am going to miss my waist length hair, but it will probably be back by the summer.

So here we are now. The teacher called Jason and told him about our rude behaviors, and now Justin and I were in trouble. "For heaven's sake! I wasn't going to fight him. He was just really starting to get on my nerves," Justin said.

I just sat back and watched the entire scene unfold. Why am I here? I don't know. Jason held the bridge of his nose. "Okay. So what's this about disturbing the class all the time?" he asked. Justin and I made eye contact.

"Well, we aren't disturbing it all of the time," Justin said scratching the back of his head. "Woah, don't say we. You are the one always disturbing me," I said. If we were going to get into trouble, Justin was going to take the most of it, since, after all, he is the real problem here. Jason stared at him, with that look that made you want to spill everything. "Fine, fine. I do, but the other students don't seem to mind at all."

"That still isn't a pass to not pay attention in class," Jason said. "I do pay attention in class."

"Justin stop. You are digging a deeper grave," Dylan said from the living room couch. "Shut up." Jason sighed running a hand through his hair. "Look, just try to pay attention a little more okay?" Jason asked. Personally, I think he was going a little soft on him, but that's just me.

"Okay, are we done here?" I asked. Jason thought for a minute and then nodded. "Yeah, get out my sight," he said ruffling Justin and I's hair. "Uggh, Jason I just go it done," I said trying to fix it. He laughed and walked off. Of course, he would do something like that.

I managed to get a lot of signatures on my cast today. Most were from people I didn't even know, but it was a nice gesture. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you were popular," Grayson said from the couch.

I almost forgot he was here. "Maybe I am," I said. He scoffed and shook his head at me. "You are not fooling anyone," he said. "Please, you're just jealous cause Dylan is your only friend."

I took a seat on the floor cause I felt like it. "I have many other friends for your information, spicy," he said smirking at the end. I don't know what for exactly. It's not like he won the argument or whatever.

"Are you guys done? Cause you are giving me a headache," Dylan said. I rolled my eyes. "You guys give me a headache on a daily basis."

"Aw come on Dylan. Don't be such a sour patch kid," Grayson said pinching Dylan's cheek. Dylan slapped his hand away making Grayson laugh. "What's your problem?" I asked He was unusually quiet and maybe even a little upset looking.

"Yeah, Dylan. What's wrong?" Grayson asked with a smirk on his face. Dylan glared at him and turned his attention back to his phone. "Well you see," Grayson started ignoring the glare from Dylan.

"Dylan planned a lovely little date with dear Eva, but she wasn't having any of that. She wanted to meet his dear siblings, ie, you cause you to know it's been awhile. But you see, Dylan doesn't want that, but she was very adamant. So here we are. With a pouting Dylan because he doesn't want his girlfriend to meet his siblings." Grayson leaned back on the couch and looked at Dylan with a sinister look.

I totally ignored everything else Grayson said and started bouncing up and down. "We finally get to meet Eva? OMG, this is the greatest day ever," I said smiling widely at Dylan. I thought the two would break up before I would ever get the chance to meet her.

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