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So to start off this new story I wanna give a special shout-out to a few people who really showed their support for this story.




I really appreciate the feedback and can't wait to share this new story with you guys.So without further ado here's Marlow's Promise.LIKE SHARE COMMENT


How easy do you think it would be to sneak out of a hospital?I mean i blended in with all the other nurses and nursing assistants since we all wore scrubs,but everyone wasn't wearing bright orange scrubs.

"Marlow are you done day dreaming over there",Called a voice snapping me out of my thoughts.I turned to see the charge nurse glaring at me from behind the desk.She held a folder in her hand waving it for me to take.Reluctantly I took it giving her a sickly sweet smile in return.

"I'll handle this after my break",My words seemed to shock her, the once stoic look that graced her face turned sour as she turned away from me.Shaking my head I walked away from the nurse station and down the hall to our cafeteria.Today was lasagna day, my favorite.

"Thank you Debbie",I said handing my money to the cashier.

I found a little spot in a corner facing a window.Only a few people lingered around the cafeteria, mos of them enjoying lunch just like I was.I opened the brown file Jenny (that bitch of a nurse) gave me, scanning the contents briefly.My phone buzzing in my pocket shocked almost making me knock over the fork resting on the now empty plate.

"Hello",I answered skeptically, confused at who would be calling me this late at night.

"Marlow honey is that you",My mothers voice called out softly",I've been trying to get a hold of you for awhile now but you're almost unreachable".

"I'm sorry mom",I answered guiltily."School and work has been kicking my butt lately and I forget I even have phone sometimes".

"Well are you making any time for a relationship.I haven't heard of any love interests since that one boy".My mom was always so nosy.

"No mom.Like I said I barely have time for myself let alone a boyfriend".

"Well thats not what I called for anyways".Finally she gets to the point.

"Well spit it out then, I only have twenty minutes left of my break and a piece of red velvet cake it calling my name".

"So I know you've got summer vacation coming up for college and if I remember clearly you have some vacation time at work too".She was starting to sound really suspicious."Well you're brother gained Sergeant of Arms in the club and there's a celebration in two weeks.We'd really love it if you'd come".

I paused for a second not fully understanding what she just said.I hadn't been back home in over four years.I skipped town the moment I got my college acceptance letters and haven't been back since.

"Uhm are you sure Nick wants me there.I mean the last time we saw each-other we weren't on good terms".Internally I was hoping was would take the hint.But my mother knew me better than that.

"Oh Nick's been talking non stop about inviting you.He was going to call you today but got caught up with some stuff.So what do you say",Her words seemed to give me a choice but I knew if I didn't go I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Alright I guess I'll see you in two weeks".And with that we hung up.What was I getting myself into.

I picked up the fork twirling it around ,occupying myself a little more before I had to go back to hell.Sighing for what felt like the hundredth time today I picked up my trash and headed back to work.

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