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I'm so sorry it's almost been 2 months since I've updated! I've been busy with work and last week was my first week of college! SO it's been a little crazy inside my mind.I can't believe we're almost at 6k reads and thanks to everyone who keep supporting even after my hiatus! This might not be the best chapter or the longest but I hope you enjoy and I will be updating soon again!

6:52am. So close yet so far from walking out of these hospitals doors and collapsing in my bed for two days to recover from the past few days of intense shifts. I sighed as I kept checking my phone for the time and to see if Vance had finally given in to sleep and passed out on me. I'd say he did given the fact I hadn't received an answer for the past twenty minutes. I honestly had no one else to blame but myself when it came to working tonight.Kim had had an emergency and asked the charge nurse if anyone could cover her shift tonight and being the nice person I am (along with the need for a better pay check at the end of the week) I whisked myself out of bed and made my way towards the hospital.

Finally,after talking to myself for 8 minutes, it was 7:00am and I as allowed to go home after giving my report to the next nurse on duty.I briskly walked towards the exit trying to avoid the prying eye's of patients and other staff members so I could get to my car an leave. I gave a few silent hello's and waves to certain individuals who bothered to greet me this morning before I finally made it to the parking garage across the street.

Surprisingly the parking garage was eerily silent as I made my way to the end of row C. I could hear the footsteps of a few people above and below me as they either made their way to the elevators or their cars trying to get home just as I was. I noticed my car in the distance and a man standing beside the open door of a van parked next to it.I made sure to quicken my pace, trying not to draw too much attention to myself but it was hard considering our vehicles were right next to each other.I walked towards my drivers side door with my keys clutched closely in hand making it quick to unlock my door.Just as I got a foot in a voice spoke behind me.

" Excuse me Miss?", called the gruff voice startling me which made me drop my keys.Cursing to myself I swiftly picked them up and turned towards the man.

"Yes how can I help you?",I answered hoping he could see how tired I was and let me be.

"Do you happen to have a lighter I could borrow? I'm trying to smoke again before I go back in and see my mother,she hates that I smoke",He said chuckling a little in an attempt to lighten up the situation.

"Uhm no sorry. I actually don't smoke",came my short reply as turned again throwing my bag into the front seat of my car.I had one foot in my door again when the man decided to speak again.

"Oh and one more thing ma'am", He called raising his voice a little.I turned expecting him to ask another question but was only met with an object hitting me over the head. I tried fighting the darkness but the hit itself was too much for me to take and everything faded to black as I heard the man utter one last sentence.

"Yeah boss I got her. You'll have Marlow before you know it".

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