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Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated but since starting college and getting more hours at work I've been super busy.But good news is the first big A&P test I had last Thursday I got an 88% !!! I was so happy with that since it was a lot of material and a big test that really set my goals for this class :) Anyways sorry for the longish intro and here's the chapter!

I waited two days before making my move with the phone. I made sure to watch all of Paul's movements closely and timed his schedule to accurately get the right moment for me to make an attempt to call someone. Today I wanted to make the move when he went outside to go check his mail.Everyday around 11:30am he headed outside as the mailman left and allowed me to have a bathroom break. To him it was giving me a few minutes to make sure I looked alright and clean up a little after breakfast.

"Marlow I'm going to go get the mail sweetheart. Go ahead and use the bathroom if you have to because we're gonna go somewhere when you get done.I left the key on the shelf next to the door",Paul shouted as he neared the front door and got farther away from me.

I found myself quickly running up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible but also hurry at the same time. I put the key quickly in the keyhole and made sure to lock the door behind me in-case Paul caught me.It surprised me that his phone didn't have a lock on it but I was more thankful that it didn't. Pulling up the call icon as quickly as my fingers would allow I dialed a number that I knew by heart.Hopefully they would pick up.

"Hello",answered an unsure voice.

"Mom,"I gasped feeling a sense of relief from hearing her voice.

"Marlow honey where are you! They boys have been trying to find you for days and the police aren't being very cooperative. Do you know where you are?" Her voice was worried and grief stricken making me tear up a little bit. I pushed my feelings aside and tried to tell her as much as I could.

"Mom i don't have much time but I was kidnapped okay. The man who took me is named Paul but I don't know where I am. He wants me to stay with him and even marry him.Now I know Nick must be there as well so please have him trace this number",I pleaded hoping she would do exactly as I said.

"Marlow",I heard Paul call faintly down the hallway.

"Mom I love you okay but I have to go now.Please do what I said cause I really want to get out of here".

"I love you too sweetheart and I'll get you out soon!"

I hung up the phone sharply making sure to hide it from Paul. I jerked the door open after unlocking it praying that he didn't hear the lock.Paul stood a few feet away from the door when I popped my head out. His eye's carefully assessed me before raising an eyebrow.

"What took you so long? I waited a few minutes downstairs but you never came down",His words were curious but I knew deep down that he was questioning what I was up too and later would scope out the bathroom just to be positive I wouldn't escape. After the incident in the kitchen the other night I heard him rummaging around after I was locked in my room and that next morning for breakfast I saw a few boards nailed to the back kitchen door.

"I felt a little sick to my stomach from breakfast and almost threw up.Sorry it took so long".

"Its alright darling",Paul said instantly brightening up,"Now let me show you something I have yet to show you.I think you'll fall in love with it".

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