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" So how's Mars been treating you since you've had to share a room," Hannah asked as she leaned over the bar handing me a few bottles of beer.

I knew she had been dying to as me since we started our shift tonight, the first of many during my stay here. "He's a sarcastic, cocky, hot piece of shit".

"Just the same old Mars everyone knows and loves", she laughed as she pushed another drink towards a club member.

I rolled my eye's at her suggestive behavior as I turned my attention back to the drinks in my hand. The club members who had ordered these were nothing short of loud, old, and fools. I had only seen them a few times when I had visited before but this was the first chance I had at interacting with them.

"Sweetheart",One hollered," If you're just going to stand their and look pretty, you might as well give us a show".

The laughter of men around him filled up the entire room causing a few others to peer over at the situation.I rolled my eye's a their behavior and slammed the beer in-front of them.

"Well maybe if you weren't such an old fuck I might have taken you up on your offer. Unfortunately I don't like grandpa's". 

I watched his smirk morph into a look of anger in the blink of an eye. He huffed and pulled his drink close before sulking back against the cushion. It was my turn to smirk and have the upper hand in the situation. His buddies along with the other members who listened in all casually tuned back in to their own tables and ignored me. Hannah greeted me with a smirk as I sashayed confidently over to the bar. I held my hands out waiting for the next slew of drinks to deliver but Hannah placed a different drink in my hand.

I raised my eyebrow at her quizzically as I starred at the bottle of apple juice."And who exactly is this for? I'm pretty sure every man and woman in this bar is holding some form of alcohol".

"It's for Colby",she said as her gaze turned from happy to confused.

"And who exactly is Colby?"

"So Mars didn't tell you about what happened right before you were kidnapped?" I shook my head no."Well Mars, Nick, and few other members went out for a run that targeted a group who dealt with weapons. Nick told me that this group was threatening to use their supply to target local businesses for their own gain. But when they raided their facility they came across a little boy".

"So they just took this little boy? And what if he's one of their kids? How did they even know his name?" I was confused and agitated to say the least. Although I had only been back for a few days I would've thought someone might have keyed me in on something important as a this.

"When they first brought him in it was awful. The poor boy was bruised,cut, and ridiculously skinny. I overheard Mars informing a few elders that he was chained up in a room with no light and a bucket to use the bathroom in. So I highly doubt he was related to anyone from the group". Hannah had such a sunken look on her face that I decided not to ask anything else. 

"As for his name, he wore a collar with it etched into the seam".

There was no telling what this little boy had been through or what I was getting ready to walk in-to."One more thing before you walk in there. He hasn't spoken since they brought him here so don't expect much out of him".

With a nod I turned in the direction she pointed me too. There was a small hallway that branched off of the main bar area in which only a few people were allowed to go.Signs littered each door warning everyone of the contents and to not go in. A few of the rooms down the hall held locked up weapons and files, that I was assuming held vital information pertaining to the club and its members. I carefully approached the only door that didn't have intense markings and pushed it open.

Colby sat facing away towards the door with his eye's trained straight at me. I could see the way his body flinched as I walked in and got a little closer to him." I'm not going to hurt you honey. I've just brought you some more juice".

Fear coursed through his eye's at the mention of a drink. Hoping to ease his fears a little I popped the unopened lid and took a quick gulp of the liquid, showing him that nothing was wrong with it."

"You don't have to be afraid of it. I wouldn't have taken a drink if something was wrong with it". I spoke softly the closer I got in order not to scare him off as I sat the drink on the table directly beside him. I took a few steps back as I watched him for a few more seconds. Once I realized he wasn't going to move unless I left, I turned and walked out the door.

His voice was so soft that I almost hadn't heard him." Please stay". I whipped my head back at him at such an incredible speed that I knew I'd regret tomorrow. Colby picked up his hand and very slowly patted an area next to him. Carefully I walked back across the room and took a seat beside him.

Colby hadn't moved or even attempted to talk since I sat down but his actions a few minutes later surprised me. He slowly started to lean over but I was too afraid to touch him. But on his own he settled his head in my lap and closed his eye's. Too shocked to react, I closed my eye's as well and fell asleep with him in my lap.

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