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So I'm back after a little while of not updating this story. I'll try to get to this story more but please give a like-comment-or star because it would really mean a lot to me! Love you guys so much.

This chapter sucks a lot in all honesty but I really appreciate all the love and support from everyone who's here from 'Saints Promise' and is giving this story a try.So in honor of a few people who I've taken notice of lately here's a shout out.





And if you want a shout out please continue reading and doing ll the things a good reader does to get notice.Xoxo


"You're drooling a little honey",came a voice from behind me.I jerked around surprised at the sudden noise and came eye to eye with another girl.Her blondish red hair glittered in the dying sunlight but the smirk that washed over her face as we made eye contact swept me back into reality.

"Oh uh I don't now what you're talking about",I started trying to cover up the blush that started creeping up.

"Now even I know that's a lie.Most girls learn with one look not to stare at Mars over there but you, you're still starring like there's no tomorrow".

"And who exactly is Mars?"

"That hunk of a man who is up their introducing your brother".Her grin wasn't sinister by any means but the sarcastic expression she wore didn't settle well with me.As we continued starring at one another I heard the faint clapping of the crowd in the background as they finished up.

"Hey sis I want you to come meet some more people an-.Oh I see you've already met Hannah".Nick popped his head in between the two of us with a smile and his cut on his back.He waited for either of us to say something but when no one made a move to speak he pulled at my arms and waved towards Anna as we once again walked through the crowd.Everyone seemed in a lighter mood now as the night air settled in and food was brought out.Quite a few kids were running in between groups of people playing tag and just having a good time.

"Okay Marlow so you've already met Ares but the real person who runs this show is Mars".

In the blink of an eye I was thrust into the same small space as four tall and muscular men.All of them were somewhat intimidating but I pulled my head back a little and gave them a small smile.

"Some of the others met her earlier but I figured you guys are the most important since she'll be here for a few weeks.So this is my sister Marlow".

"Well its nice to finally meet you.Lucky over here wont stop talking about his smart sister,"The guy next to me said,his cut read Major.

"Well all good things I hope?"

"I feel like I know you better than my own family",Ares laughed patting my brother on the back who joined in.

"Well it was really nice of y'all to invite me seeing as you don't know me all that well.Its been pretty fun so far".My words came out in a whisper but they seemed to hear me clearly as they all nodded their heads.

"We're like family here, so don't hesitate to come to any of us if you need anything".His voice was even more intense up close but his stare was what really shook me.His eye's were pools of greens and blues that were so intense that I almost looked away.Now out of all the things I could possibly think of doing in that moment you would think I would say a simple 'thank you' or nod my head.Well any normal person would do that how ever being blinded by the Greek god in front of my face caused me to give him a thumbs up.By the questioning look on his face I knew I had messed up.What a great way to start the night.

"Alright enough with the introductions! How about we get the pretty lady some food and a beer"Ares said breaking the tension allowing me to breathe again.

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