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So I know I said I would update everything but I completely forgot in all honesty.So here it is now and it might not be too long but I'm hoping you'll enjoy it like everyone seems too! Please comment and like!!!!! Okay I'm done talking so I love y'all.

Sorry if it sucks!

I had woken up about thirty minutes later to an empty room and a plate full of food on the night stand. I starred at it curiously and poked it a little but decided against eating no matter how much my stomach gurgled.Still a little groggy from the drug I reluctantly got up from the bed and made my way towards the bedroom door. I grasped the handle and went to pull but I only received a rattle in return.He must have locked the door from the outside in order to keep me in.

Instead of dwelling on the fact that I was locked inside I quickly made my way towards the bathroom to relieve myself.I didn't know how long I had been here or how long I would be left to my own devices so I had to get whatever I could done before he came back.I washed my hands quickly so I could get back and make some sort of plan on how to get out or at-least call for help.

"Have you calmed down a little sweetheart",Paul said as I opened the bathroom door.He sat perched in the middle of the bed,lounging with his hands behind his head.The same creepy smile from earlier rested on his face and made my already pounding heart rate pick up even more.

"I see you never touched your food".His frown would make an other person believe he was upset but something about it was unsettling and not meant to comfort me.

"I wasn't hungry",I muttered not looking him in the eye's.

"Oh don't act like you're not hungry.I heard your stomach growling earlier when you got here",he stated nonchalantly.

"And where exactly is here", I tried to ask hoping he would be stupid enough to fall for it.

"Now I can't go giving that away now can I! It'll ruin our time we have together before the wedding.Once we get married I'll let you explore the grounds since you'll be mine".Paul slowly raised up off the bed and made his way towards me.His movements were slow and cautious as if he was waiting for me to bolt again.I wasn't too sure myself if I would bolt or not when he got too close.

"Do you want to get out of this room a little bit?" 

His question caught me off guard.I obviously didn't trust him but maybe getting out of here can help me map out any escape routes and any outside objects I could retell in case I found a phone.Maybe I could use his infatuation with me to my advantage and get on his good side. I've seen it in movies before so there has to be some truth to the method.

"Just play along Marlow",I whispered to myself hoping he wouldn't hear."I'd love to see your home".

"It's nice to see you're coming around.Shall we?",Paul offered his arm to me and with a little hesitation and a forced smile I let him lead me out of the enclosed room.

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