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I really hoped y'all liked the last chapter! I feel like I might be dragging on the story but I also don't want to rush anything! I might make this chapter a little shorter but I should be updating tomorrow if I don't go to King's Island with my friend and her family. Sorry I'm two days late on this update so please forgive me! Love you all and don't forget to vote, comment, star, and share:)

"So where exactly are we going",I prodded cautiously as Paul lead me towards the front door.The whole time I've been here I've never been outside. So either I'm getting ready to get murdered and left in the middle of nowhere until someone finds my body or Paul had something decent planned. He's been a little less temperamental here lately but I wasn't betting on the latter. 

"I just have a little surprise for you.You don't have to look so scared",He chuckled reaching for a set of keys out of his back pocket to unlock the door.

Slowly I followed behind him, careful not to be too close in case I had to make a break for it.Now I know what you're thinking. Why doesn't she just make a run for it right now since he lead her outside? Well to answer that smart question I have no idea where I am still. Paul's house was surrounded but the woods and I would bet my first born child that he knew every inch of the land like the back of his hand.

"What are you thinking about so hard",Paul called out waving his hand in front of my face.I blinked furiously focusing back to the situation at hand."We're here anyways".

I looked up not realizing he lead me to the front of a greenhouse.The outside looked a bit worn down but once I found my way inside a whole other world bloomed. All kinds of plants seemed to engulf the structure from top to bottom.There were so many colors and sizes making me a bit overwhelmed.

"It's really beautiful"I gushed and for the first time since being trapped here I was being honest.

"I started this all by myself when I was sixteen. Crazy to think how fast it's flourished since then right?"

"Yeah well you've obviously taken care of it pretty well",I said walking a little further in front of him to admire a group of orange flowers.

"Yeah that's what my mom said too."

"Where is your mom?"I asked curious as to why he was bringing her up now.Paul was silent for a few minutes before he answered.

"I killed her",He said nonchalantly.I peered over my shoulder to see him shrug a little bit but other than that Paul didn't seen affected the least bit.

"Do you think I'm stupid Marlow?"His voice cut through the tense silence like a knife. 

"No why would you as-".

"I know you took my phone and called someone",Paul growled out cutting me off mid-sentence.There was no way he could've known I called someone this morning. I had made sure he was out of the house before I even called and when I hung up he had been coming up the stairs.

"A person just doesn't lose their phone and not find a few minutes later.You're behavior was really a giveaway. I could feel you watch me everywhere I went and knew you had to be up to something".

"I didn't I swear", I rushed out stumbling over my words hoping he would believe me.

"Everyone always thinks I'm stupid.Well if I was so stupid how in the hell are you still here then bitch".Paul's words were laced in venom.Slowly I tried to take a few steps back to put some distance in-between us just in case his rage escalated.

"I promise I didn't do anything Paul",I pleaded raising my hands up in a surrender.

"I guess I should teach you what happens to people who keep lying to me".

He raised one of his hands out from behind his back not giving me enough time to process what he was doing.I briefly saw the edge of the gardening tool come down at me before everything turned black. 

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