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Sorry it's been a couple of days since I've updated but I promise I'll try and update a few more times here soon! I would really like to see how you guys are responding to the book. Please let me know through comments and don't forget to to vote and share :)

This sucks by the way and I might go back and add some stuff into it later. Sorry I failed as an author for this chapter :/

A faint bang sounded from downstairs causing my to jolt up.It sounded too loud for it to be something Paul might have dropped but more like something slamming against the wall. Not wanting to risk it I stayed put hoping that if I was quiet enough I could figure out what was going on.I racked my eye's over the outline of the window trying to eye any weak points in the wood that boarded it, in case I had to try and make an escape. Hopefully whoever was here for Paul would only be here for him.

More loud banging and faint shouts made their way to my ears,putting me more on edge."What could possibly be going on",I mumbled to myself creeping closer to the door hesitantly putting my hand on the nob.

Against my better judgement I peeled open the door and slowly stepped down the hall and down the stairs.Thankfully the loose pieces of the stairs didn't creak, keeping me unknown to the others in the house. Besides the shouting coming from near the kitchen the rest of the house was eerily quiet and dark. Shadows danced out from the bottom of the kitchen door letting my make out at-least three people in total behind the door. I stooped low,pressing my ear against the wood and listened closely to the conversation on the other side.

"Where the fuck is she",Growled a voice followed by a few groans.

"I don't know what you're talk-",Paul pleaded only to be silenced by what sounded like punches.

"Go check the rest of the house".The guy stated towards who I was guessing was his partner,"She's in the house somewhere".

Well fuck me. Of course they just weren't here for Paul.They were here for me.Quickly I jumped up from my crouched position once I saw the feet near the edge of the door.Although I was still a little hazy from the the plant incident I tried my best to break out in a run.By the time I reached the bottom of the stairs, slightly out of breath, I heard the door slam open.

"Marlow",A feminine voice called out in shock, halting me in my footsteps.

I spun around a little confused by a female voice. This whole time I've only heard Paul and one other male voice.I whipped around , one hand still gripping the banister, and came face to face with Hannah.

"Hannah",I whispered not believing my eye's. I rubbed them quickly hoping they weren't playing tricks on me.

"Marlow",She said again bolting towards me. I found myself wrapped up in her arms ,my circulation slowly being cut off in the process.

"You can let go now Hannah",I groaned trying to pry her arms off from around my waist."I can't breathe".

"We finally found you",She cheered still holding on tight as ever.

When I finally managed to get her to let go we both started crying hysterically.Somehow we managed to sit on the edge of the steps, as I explained everything that happened to me.

"Who brought you here Hannah", I asked first, curious as to who the man was assaulting Paul in the kitchen.

"Well Nick's here and Mar's is currently beating the crap out of guy that held you hostage".

"Mar's is here",I said, surprised at hearing the name of the man who I hadn't seen in months.

Marlows' Promise (MC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora