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We're almost up to 1,000 views you guys! I can't believe how fast this story has taken off and none of it would be possible without you guys!All your likes, comments,votes,and reads seriously make me so happy. I've always loved to write to never thought i could potentially make a career out of it.I'm getting reading to start college in the fall for nursing and being a writing could possibly be a part time job! You guys rock and here's a few more people I've noticed within the past few days.Xoxo




"So who's house are we exactly going too again",I asked Hannah as we rounded the fourth corner in our twenty minute walk.Loud music roared down the street and flashing blue and green lights caught my eye's at the end of the street.Relief settled in as the thought of being able to sit down for a few minutes crossed my mind.

"Just a close friend of mine.Her brother is the Vice President of another mc a few towns over.He just recently took over and is one of the youngest in the history of their club."

"Isn't that a little dangerous to be going over there.Does my brother know you're friends with her?"My question called for a pregnant pause as we neared the house and the reality of how big this party was set in.People poured in and out of ever opening laughing and sipping out of red solo cups.This was no small get together,this was a full out banger.

"I never said members from our mc would be there.Plus what your brother knows won't hurt him".Her smirk grew twice its size as she spoke to me and entered the house.It was beautiful to say the least but with all the people trashing it I felt bad for ever had to clean this mess up in the morning.

"Come on,let me introduce you to Jade",Hannah said but I barely heard her for the music that was blasting from several speakers littered in the living room.

I walked,more like was dragged,through bodies as the bumped and grinded on each other sharing whatever diseases they had with each other.Being so close to everyone made the once comfortable temperature spike up a few notches and some sweat dribble down my back.

"Jade I'd like to introduce you to Lucky's sister Marlow. She's visiting from a few towns over for her break from school".The introduction was simple and sweet but before I knew what was happening Jade enveloped me in her arms and squeezed me tight.

"It's so good to meet you Marlow. Oh I just love meeting new people!So what do you go to school for"?

"Well I go to school for nursing and work in a hospital in Willow Falls a few hours away.It's a small but bustling town when it comes to emergencies".My answer was simple enough but I still felt like she wanted more from me the minute a dazzling smile etched its way on her lips.

"Oh well you might know Rylie then!Never mind that how about we get you a drink and relax from all the stress your under in nursing school".Little did I know that tonight was going to get a lot more rowdy then just letting loose some stress.(You'll see how I'm going to tie all the Promise series books together by adding a few people in here and there.I don't ant them to seem like completely random stories but also not so connected that you have to read them in order)

"Should we get her down from there",A hushed voice called from below me.Several more whispers answered them but I was too busy singing my heart out to Carrie Underwood.The drink I currently had in my hand was fruity and sweet and in all honestly it was like my 7th.Once Jade had made me a one I knocked them back like no tomorrow and let loose.It felt so good to be so free and not worry about a patients blood pressure,a women giving birth, or even getting the correct medicine to the right patient.Being a normal and drunk adult was exactly what I needed.

"Just grab her for me please.I didn't mean to get her this drunk it just kind of happened",A distressed female voice caught my attention.

"Well you shouldn't take her to other territory Hannah.If Lucky found out about this he would kill you".

"I'll hear it in the morning I know.Just please get her down so we can go home".

"Alright but I'm not coming after her again".

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and legs,gently lifting me from the table I was trying to dance on.The coolness of their body compared to the heat in the room relaxed me.My arms instinctively wrapped themselves around the person carrying me as I rested my head on their shoulder.Slowly my eye's began to close as the night air enveloped me.

So who do you think the person is who came and picked her up? It might be pretty obvious but I just love when you guys comment.But once we reach 1k I'll update again!!!!

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