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So I know I never specified how old Colby was at the time of this story but I decided spontaneously to make him 5. And this will be the last chapter of this book. I promise I'll start a third soon that ties the first two books into each-other. Thank you for your love and support and if you continue to support me I would greatly appreciate it.

16 Years Later

"Colby are you sure you have everything for the trip," I asked as I checked over each of his bags.

Ever since he had turned 21,Colby had drifted away from the family a little bit. Of course as he grew older he slowly made friends in school and they've been together ever since. So when the opportunity arrived for his 21st birthday party, his friends planned everything. But seeing as I was still his mom I was still worried.

"Honey of course he has everything packed, he's a grown man,"Mars huffed from the couch. I stuck my tongue out at him after he turned his head back towards the TV.

I felt Colby wrap an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in for a hug." Mom I can promise you that everything will be okay. It's honestly not me you need to worry about, Cleo is the one who left at midnight last-night."

"Colby!" Cleo hollered as her mouth dropped." You promised you wouldn't tell mom!"

"Well little sis maybe you shouldn't be hanging out with that douche bag you call a boyfriend and I wouldn't have to rat you out," He answered with a smile.

Although those two seemed to argue every five minutes, the love they held for each-other ran deep." Cleo I'll deal with your sneaking out tomorrow and Colby, I think I heard your friends honk outside."

He jolted up at the mention of his friends and hurried to sling his bags over his shoulder. Colby gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, waved to his dad and sister before he was out the door. Although I trusted him, I didn't trust where they were going. Apparently Tanner, one of his best friends, was from somewhere named Willow Falls. A place filled with a rival MC's crew.

"Don't worry too much about him Marlow. I'll have you know that he'll be just fine."

I rolled my eye's at Mars, waiting for him to continue." And what exactly did you do to ensure that he would be perfectly safe?"

"I placed a tracker on Tanner's truck. I'll know wherever they are at all times tonight. Those three won't suspect a thing."

"You're such a genius," I whispered as I plopped down into his lap. I bent my head down meeting him halfway for a kiss.

"You two are disgusting," Cleo scoffed.

"And you darling are grounded for two weeks. I hope you like not being able to go anywhere after school."

Cleo's mouth dropped at my words before storming off. Mars and I laughed at her behavior. Ever since she started high school her behavior had changed drastically because of the crowd she hung out with and we were desperately trying to break her away from that. Hopefully if she followed in her brother's footsteps, things wouldn't be so bad.

"Let's go check out that tracking device babe," Mars said as he patted my leg for me to get up. Side by side we walked up to the room to spy on our eldest baby. 

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