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Thank you so much to everyone that keeps reading and supporting me through it all.Please continue to comment,vote,and share to show your love! I really appreciate you guys and I love you all :)

P.S Sorry if this is short but I'm super tired from work the past few days and I'll definitely update since I'm off the next couple of days.I'll tag a few faithful readers next time so please comment,that's how you get noticed!!!

"So you're telling me that he pushed you up against a wall and pretty much claimed you in front of the whole entire clubhouse?"Hannah seemed confused and even a little excited by her own question.I gave her a small nod causing a flood of squeals to echo throughout my kitchen.Nick shook his head at his girlfriends antics and continued eating his cereal in peace.

"What happened after that?"

"He just kind of left and that' when I came to find you guys.It was so embarrassing",I confessed making my brother laugh at how pathetic I sounded.

"Guess that means your in it for life sis.You're pretty much a member of the group now",Nick joked.I flung the spoon I had in my hand at his head aiming just right.He grunted from the pain and shot me a look of hatred before returning his attention to his food.

"Well Marlow and I have to go run some errands for the party tonight but we'll be back back later Nick.Love you bye",Hannah said dragging me out of the house with a stupid look plastered on my face.Next thing I know I'm being shoved in the front seat of a car and I'm forced to listen to a very loud and annoying opera radio station.

"Did we really have to listen to opera that loudly Hannah?"

"Someone once told me it increases your chances of getting pregnant and seeing as I know I'll spend the rest of my life with your brother I figured we could go ahead and start trying".Her response was well spoken but absolutely ridiculous.

"Whoever told you that must be on crack",I said truthfully laughing a little bit.

"I'm telling you the truth.Anyways enough about my sex life how about we split up and each search for a section of the list so it will go faster and we can get back home".This reply was actually intelligent and something I could agree with.

The first half of the list was relatively easy to find seeing as most of it was in the same aisle.The only thing I was having trouble finding was a specific bag of chips.I searched all along the top shelf and finally spotted them doing a little dance because I completed my part of the list.I stood up on the end of my toes reaching for them.

"Marlow",grunted a rough voice surprising me.I dropped the bag of chips that I had managed to get a hold of as I spun to see who called my name.A man not much taller than me stood about three feet away wearing a cut and a deep frown.

"Can I help you?"I asked a little confused at who he was and how he new my name.

"Watch your back little girl.There's a war brewing and if you don't leave soon you'll be the first",He spoke deeply taking a step forward forcing me to back up against the shelf a little.

"I don't kno-"

"Tell Mars that Dutch knows and he's coming".His frown turned up into a smirk before turning around and walking out of the aisle.I focused on the design of a pig with a knife through its chest on the back of his cut in case Mars or Nick knew which mc he was from.

"Hey Marlow, who was that guy",Hannah whispered from behind me frightening me.With a hand on my chest trying to slow the fast pace of my heart I gave her a playful glare shrugging it off.

"Lets go check out now.I'm ready to get this part started".She held a glint of mischief in her eyes as I muttered those words stalking towards the checkout counter.I quickly pulled out my phone shooting a quick text to Nick so I didn't worry Hannah about my altercation.



Tell Mars I need to talk to him.Something happened.

The text was brief and to the point and I prayed Nick would just do as I say and not ask questions.

Marlows' Promise (MC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang