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Thank y'all so much for the reads and votes. Your comments are always my favorite and I hope you keep posting them. Love you guys :) Please enjoy.

I found my self three hours later piled on top of hospital bed and being forced into a gown.With little resistance I did as I was asked and allowed myself to be checked out by the doctors before I was questioned by the cops.Hannah was allowed to stay with me as I was examined and her worried expression put me on edge. After she found me at the edge of the steps and we cried, I was quickly whisked off towards town. I managed to catch a glimpse of Mars on my way out of the house but he had been too occupied by the police for me to talk to him.

"Well Marlow I hope you understand just how lucky you are for being alive right now", Dr.Johnson stated as he finished up the exam.

"If wouldn't have been for my friends I doubt I would be sitting in front of you right now",I confessed, agreeing with him completely.Had I never managed to sneak the phone away from Paul and make a call, I doubt I would have ever been freed.

"She is alright though Doctor",Hannah asked as we both glanced over at the Doctor curiously.

With a shake of his head he dropped the news on us."You are remarkably healthy Marlow ,but when we did your tox-screens we found an unusual substance in your system".

"What do you mean",I asked curiously.

"Well it seems like you've ate some sort of substance that can cause hallucinations. If you would have ingested anymore than you might have been in a permanent hallucinogenic state".

Shocked was an understatement. I was pretty sure my jaw was almost touching the floor and Hannah's face almost mimicked my own."Well something did happen similar to hat you're describing",I said surprising both the doctor and Hannah.

"What do you mean",Hannah hissed as she tightened the her grip on her chair.

"Well Paul, the man who kidnapped me, took my to a garden he had outside of the house. It was the only time I had been let outside and I somehow touched one. I had this crazy dream that felt so real and when I woke up the next morning he said it was the flower I had touched".

Doctor Johnson seemed to be pondering the information before glancing back over his charts. It felt like a millennium before he addressed us again.

"I've heard of flowers that can cause this affect but a one time exposure wouldn't cause such an extreme reaction. Your kidnapper must have given it to you multiple times without you knowing".

After giving me a few warnings to take it easy for a few days and the numbers to therapists in my area, Doctor Johnson left us alone.Silence encased the room as Hannah and I just starred back at one another. I tried pondering over how Paul might have slipped me more of the toxic plant but came up empty.

"It feels great to have you back Marlow",Hannah said interrupting the silence.The light managed to catch her face in just the right way for me to see the tears welling up in her eye's.I felt my own start to swell up again and just like a few hours ago we cried into each-others shoulders.

"Is this going to be a regular occurrence whenever I leave the two of you alone",Nick joked as he entered the room, breaking us apart.Quickly wiping my tears I jumped out of Hannah's arms and tackled my brother against the door.His chest rattled with laughter as he squeezed me back with the same enthusiasm." I've missed you so much short stuff.I'm glad you're back"

"Thank you so much for finding me Nick. I don't know what I would've done without you".My voice tightened as tears threatened to fall again but Nick just wiped them away, squeezing me even tighter.

"With the way she tackled you I would've guessed she played professional football", A deeper voice grumbled out from beside my brother and I.I jerked away from Nick at the sudden intrusion. Mar's stood stoically in-front of me and his eye's gazed down at me quizzically.Although his posture screamed dominance, the lightness I found in his eye's eased my thoughts. He didn't seem to angry to have been dragged my brother to help find me.

So without much thinking I jumped from my brothers arms into the arms of an unsuspecting man.Mar's stumbled back at my assault but none the less wrapped his arms around my waist, securing me in place. Warmth radiated from under his skin into my own, allowing me to relax a little more into the brute of a man.

"It's good to see you too princess",He whispered into my ear,sending shivers down my spine. 

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