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"Oh Marlow",Cried my mother as she leaped off the porch.In a matter of seconds I was in both my parents arms for the first time in over four years.Tears welled up in the corner of my eye's but I pushed them back refusing to cry.

"Okay enough with the crying fest",Nick yelled behind us",How about I get some help carrying these bags inside.Like damn sis what did you bring"?

"Oh hush son, you're lucky we've got a celebration tonight or you wouldn't see us or your sister for a few days",My dad argued back waving his finger towards my brother.With an eye roll my brother dragged the few bags he held up the steps and into the house.I jogged my way over to the truck grabbing the last few remaining and followed everyone in the house.

"So are you excited for the barbecue",Mom asked as she handed me a glass of what seemed to be lemonade.I took a sip starring off into space, letting her question hang in silence.

"She's probably nervous honey.All the people she used to know have all grown up and might look different.Plus a lot for them have their own families too",My dad said breaking the void.

"Plus it's the club we're introducing her to.They're wild by the way",Nick interrupted directly the last part at me.

I just nodded in heir direction not really caring about the conversation anymore.I guess I hadn't realized the cook-out would be so soon.Everyone would more than likely be there, I mean don't get me wrong there's plenty of people in this town but we all know each-other.Well at-least they all still know each-other.

I excused myself a few minutes later, tired from not only the plane ride but the sudden information thrust at me.Hopefully if I stay with my parents or keep to myself no one will notice me much.My bags starred mockingly back at me,begging me to put them up and find an outfit deemed presentable for tonight.With a sigh I gave in to my own thoughts and started pulling pieces of clothing out at a time.

"Are you about done in their",Nick yelled out as he pounded the door.Shocked at the sudden noise I almost smeared my lip-stick.Rolling my eye's in the mirror I looked over myself for what felt like the twentieth time before answering the door.

My brother stood in-front of me glaring.His eye's raked down my outfit before turning back around pulling me behind him."Good luck laying low tonight. These guys love fresh meat, so I suggest you stay with me",He hissed yanking me  little harder towards he car.

I rode with mom and dad while Nick strolled in on his bike making a scene.Bikes seemed to line up down the whole street while people poured out of the backyard cups and food in hand.Their laughter and mild chat soothed my nerves as I walked next to my family towards a cute little house but I still noticed the looks I got.A girl knows when she's getting looked at behind her back.

"Lucky",Yelled a few guys pulling my attention away from observing other people.They bro hugged my brother before drifting their sight to me.I raised my eyebrow up in surprise,it was starting already.

"Where'd you find this pretty little thing brother",one of the guys called out.

"Dude she's my little sister,you know the one I've been telling everyone about for the past few weeks".

"Well you could've warned us that she was that hot bro",spoke someone else coming up from the back of the crew.

"Marlow I want you to meet Ares.He's the VP and a close friend of mine",my brother said proudly beaming down at me.I reached out shaking the mans hand looking him over in the process.He had a sleeve full of tattoos on one arm and dark blonde hair that made his blue eye's stand out.He was a beautiful man to say the least.

"Enough with the introduction, let's get you up to the stage so we can formally do this thing".With a pat on brothers back Ares lead him and the rest of the guys away towards a stage I hadn't noticed when I first walked in.Nick went to stand by the mic looking off to the side as if beckoning someone else to come up.

A man even prettier than Ares walked up the few steps leading to the stage.His dark black hair was combed back shinning every so often when it hit light.The way he walked screamed pure dominance and he held himself with so much pride it seemed to suffocate me.I couldn't pay attention to the words he spoke as he introduced my brother and handed him a new patch for his cut.My mind seemed to be in overdrive and my heart was right their with it.They exchanged a few words before his eye's ran over the crowd landing on mine.

I knew I was so fucked as my face heated up and a smirk crossed his face.

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