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"I can't believe how beautiful she is," I mumbled as I snuggled my one month old daughter to my chest. She moved her little face towards my chest, snuggling closer to my body. I turned to glance over at Mars, but his eye's were half closed as he slouched against the bed.

"Mom can I hold Cleo?" Colby asked, pulling my attention away from the sleeping man.

I gave him a small smile before carefully handing him his little sister." Now make sure you support her head and her body with your arms. She's super fragile."

" I know that mom," He chuckled as he rolled his eye's at my pestering.

I watched for a few seconds as the two cuddled up next to their dad. Quickly I pulled out my phone snapping a picture of the two children. I would definitely be saving this as the lock-screen on my phone.

It seemed so unreal to me that I had been married and had a baby all within the last year. After Mars had found out at the reception, I was forced to let everyone else know a few days later. Of course my parent's and everyone was super excited, but I was also really nervous. Raising a child in the MC life came with difficulty and I wasn't sure if I was prepared for that.

Mars would constantly go on runs, leaving me at home with Colby for weeks at a time. At first it was unbearable, my mood swings made things a thousand times worse causing me to cry whenever I thought of him.But not everything bad happened over the past nine months.It had taken awhile but the state had finally granted Mars and I custody over Colby, officially making him our son.Everything seemed to have a funny way of working out.

"What are you thinking so hard about over there," Mars said pulling me from my thoughts.

Stunned, I jerked back." Nothing really. I was just reminiscing a little bit."

"I'm guessing you were thinking about how you met me?"

"I was actually thinking about Colby's adoption and then Cleo finally arriving." I stuck out my tongue mocking him." But the night I met you was pretty nice. You looked super hot standing on that stage announcing my brother like that."

" I like the sound of that," He grinned pulling me into his side. I reached out and pulled the kids into my arms, putting all into one big hug." I'll never get tired of this."

"You better not! And since you won't get tired of this Cleo needs changed."

I laughed as Mars' face morphed into disgust. Carefully Colby handed his sister over and let his dad change her.

"I might get tired of this."

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