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SO guess who's done being a sucky author. I've been so busy with finishing schools and trying to plan for college in the fall along with finding a new job.I miss writing so much so I hope you guys are in for a short but sweet surprise.Since its summer I'll be updating more.I promise!

BTW how many of you graduated or are graduating soon.I walked across the stage May 26th ad can't wait to go to nursing school in the fall!

For a total of four days now I've managed to stay clear of Mars.Staying out of the club proved to be the easiest part but with my brother having such close relations to the President ,well that was a little more of a challenge.They both were constantly in and out of the house visiting my parents and gathering supplies from the garage they would need for whatever mission they planned next.

The minute I heard engines roar down the road or away fro the house I checked with my mother for the all clear.It was a precise mission that I was not willing to give up.It was embarrassing enough to be caught in the Presidents bed but to openly admire him as he starred right at me, put a dent in my ego. As a nurse in a rather large hospital I could admit to not being intimidated by many things that walked through the door.The one thing I can admit to is that if a man as gorgeous and alluring as Mars walked through those sliding doors my ass would be cowering behind the nurses station.

"So are you ever going to stop being a wuss and leave the comfort of your home",Hannah says snidely,"You're a grown woman for god's sake,now its time to grow some ball and act like nothing happened."

"That's easy for you to say Hannah.You're this fierce, independent woman who has my brother wrapped around your finger.Mars is like a god".I puckered up m face in her direction hoping she would give up trying to put an end to my hermit behavior.But once again she proves who he stronger of the two of us is.

"I'm tired of you acting like a dog licking their wounds.So go upstairs,get dressed and meet me in my car in ten minutes.You and me both need a drink".With those words she disappeared towards the back door and left me alone in the kitchen.I looked down at my watch half expecting the time to just stop but the time ticked down. Nine minutes and forty three seconds.

In the next nine minutes and twenty seconds I dressed,grabbed a snack,and drug my feet to Hannah's car.From the outside I could see her jerking her head back and forth while mouthing the lyrics to some song on the radio.Maybe facing my fears wouldn't be such a bad idea after all."Alright sister in law,are you ready to face the beast head on".

"As ready as I'll ever be sister in law"I answered in a whisper.

The club house was booming with music that vibrated out to the street and filled with people laughing.The site itself brought up memories from the party almost five days ago, but I reminded myself I was much more in control within the club walls and protected by those loyal to my brother. Hannah had a snake like grip on my wrist as we plowed through half naked women and men in their cuts all with some wort of alcohol in their hands.I waved at the bar manager as he spotted us through the crowd, the smirk on his face told me he knew everything.He fixed us a drink each and sent us on our way as more people begged for a drink .

"So the little hermit finally came out of her shell",My brother called out as he appeared from within the mass of people.Ares along with a few other guys I had yet to meet filled out around Nick,blocking us both from the sweat and touches of everyone around us.

"Oh shut up you dipshit. I'm pretty sure if Hannah damaged your ego a little bit you'd stayed locked up in your room for a few days too", I fired back earning a laugh from beside me.

"So this is the girl Mars was talking about then",One of the guys next to Ares suddenly spoke up in the midst of my starring battle with my brother.I could feel the blush creep up along my cheeks as I looked anywhere but at him.

"Now we don't want to go around embarrassing the lady Rover."His voice was like sweet velvet to my ears and it only furthered to deepen my crimson stained cheeks."I believe her ego needs a little boost instead".

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