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I really appreciate all of the love from each of my chapters ever time I post. I can't wait to finish this book so I can thoroughly edit it and make sure everything goes together before I start the third book in the series :) 

Three days later I was released from the hospital once the toxic plant had been pulled from my system. The reunion with my parents was nothing short of a bunch of crying and smiles. My parents also made sure to treat me to a home-cooked meal since they claimed I was looking too skinny.I wasn't exactly sure how I looked like I had lost weight when I wasn't even gone long, but I welcomed the gesture anyways.

My mothers voice was so soft that I almost hadn't heard her."Sweetheart I have something to tell you".

I glanced over at her as I handed her another plate to rinse off."What is it?"

"I think it's best if you come stay back home with us for awhile.There are plenty of places for you to work for a few weeks and you won't have to be by yourself".Since my brother and I were little our mother had always been quite good at persuading us.Her voice would soften and her posture turned shy causing us to easily give in to her every wish.The second I scanned over her body I knew she was trying to do that exact same thing and I honestly couldn't blame her.

"It's just such a hassle to move my stuff",I said pulling her along."I would hate to be a burden to you and dad".I tried my best to hide the smile I was desperately wanting to let show.Thankfully she had bought the act.

"Don't worry about a thing darling. I have most of your stuff already packed and ready to go.All we need to do is hit the road".

"And how did you exactly get most of my stuff packed up?"I raised a brow down at her hoping she would break character.

Her little giggle deflated the little bit of hope I had left of staying home."I had the boys help me a few days before you were discharged. Besides, I think it'll be fun to have my little girl around more.It's gonna be just like old times".

Little did I know that by old times she meant never-have-I-ever times. The minute we pulled into town my dad drove right past the house, stopping directly in-front of the club house. I had assumed they were just dropping my brother and Mars off but I was in for a surprise.

"What do you mean I'm staying at the club house!" I had hoped my screeching would deafen Mars a little bit but it was to no avail. 

His smirk said it all."Well seeing as you were just kidnapped and everything we all felt like this was the safest place for you".

"Being around all these men will make it harder for anyone Paul knows to retaliate",Nick chipped in giving me a shit eating grin. Oh how I wished I could kick him straight in the balls without so much as of a peep from anyone.

"By sweetheart",My dad waved pulling my attention away from Mars. Without me realizing they had managed to get all of my stuff out of the trunk and were happily leaving me to my doom.

"We have a room set up for you any everything so there's no need to worry. You can even help out in the bar again",Mars chided as he leaned down grabbing a few of the bags.

"Like hell with she stay in one of those raggedy ass rooms",Hannah piped up."No telling how many diseases have been passed through them". I high-fived her behind my back for taking my side.We weren't going to make it easy on them.

"See even Hannah knows better",I snorted giving him the darkest glare I could muster.

"If she's staying here then I'll stay with her in a room.There's no way I'm leaving her here alone",Hannah said adding fuel to the fire.

"Babe you can't do that. You promised me a night to ourselves",Nick whined, pouting at Hannah.I wasn't going to easily give them their way if I could help it. And I definitely wouldn't have came back to my home-town if I knew my mother was going to trick me.

"Alright I have a compromise for you",Mars acknowledged leading us through the bar and up the stairs towards the rooms.Nick made haste in tugging Hannah into his room and leaving Mars and I alone in the hallway.

Near the end of the hall we came upon an all too familiar door. It's cool outside held a miserable memory for me.Mar's pushed the door open nonchalantly,casually strolling in and throwing my things on the bed.

"Welcome to your home for the next few weeks",He stated as his face lifted up in a smirk.

"I'm not staying in your room! I can easily walk to my parents house",I argued reaching for my bags.

His hand jerked my wrist to halt and with a gentle tug he pulled me flush against his chest."Oh I think you'll be staying in our room".

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