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Thank you all so much for the love and the votes on the last chapter. Please let me know if you like the direction this story is going in by commenting and voting :)

In the haze that surrounded me, I could faintly hear a conversation forming around me.

" How did they even end up like this", Hannah whispered. 

I could faintly see a shadow move past me as the light was momentarily blocked from my under my eyelids. I tried moving my legs but a weight held them down and instead I opened my eye's. Mars and Hannah were stooped over me, judging the situation at hand.

"Is something wrong?" I questioned, quirking an eyebrow up at the two. To say I was confused was an understatement.

" How'd you manage to get so close to him," Mars said as he pointed down to my lap. I tore my gaze away from him and came face to face with a head of brown hair. Colby was still sound asleep against my lap with his thumb tucked in his mouth.

"I'm not really sure", I mumbled," I sat the drink on the table and when I was leaving he asked me to stay. I figured given that he was badly treated, if he asked for any comfort I wasn't going to ignore him".

Mars only nodded before waving his hand at me, asking me to get up. My gazed snapped towards the sleeping boy again, but reluctantly I moved him to the floor and stood up. Hannah pulled on my arm to try and get me out of the room but I jerked against her hold.

" Your mom wants us all over for dinner in about twenty minutes. We need to get going," Hannah said, hoping to get me to move.

"Well I'm not leaving him here to just wake up alone", I hissed as I dropped down next to Colby, wrapping him up in my arms. He stirred a little bit and rubbed his eye's as he peered up at me.

"Where are we going", He mumbled still half asleep.

"Here let me hold him for you. Kids get heavy after awhile", Mars interrupted as he grabbed a hold of the boy in my arms. Colby instantly nestled into Mars' shoulder as sleep started to take over once again.

"I'm going to take you somewhere nice. You'll get a nice meal and I'll find you some warm clothes to wear," I said as I leaned down to plant a kiss on his forehead.

Colby groaned in response as sleep finally took over. Mars carried him with ease out of the club and into the awaiting truck outside. The scene itself was heartwarming. The few months I had known Mars his personality screamed cocky and dominant but this was a whole other person. Something stirred deep in my chest as I watched him cuddled the boy closer but I quickly shook it off.

Every few seconds I found myself peaking into the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of the two. Colby must have trusted Mars a little for him to willingly be transferred into his arms. I could faintly see Hannah stare knowingly back at the two as she drove which confused me even more. A few minutes later I saw a familiar white house come into view with my parents on the porch.

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