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I really hope you're all enjoying the story! I know a lot of you have been asking me to update so here it is.Please let me know how you feel about everything and let me know what you think.

"This is a wonderful place you have here",I said playing into Paul's' fantasy. We spent the last hour exploring every room and crevice that you could imagine before settling in to the kitchen.He had offered to make me another meal since the one in my room had probably gone bad by now.

"What would you like me to make you",He pondered,peering over his shoulder,"I have all sorts of things you might like".

"I'm not really a picky eater",I muttered hoping he would just leave me alone so I could plan my escape.

So far almost every room I was shown had its windows barred or plastered with wood planks as a reminder to anyone inside that they were trapped.We had passed by the front door a few times in order to get from room to room and that seemed to be the only opening with just one lock.I had a suspicion that there was more to that one little lock that met the eye.

"How about some grilled chicken and vegetables", Paul called over his shoulder.I grunted in compliance as something shiny on the counter caught my attention.I squinted a little bit to try and focus in on the object when it suddenly lit up.A phone! He had a phone!

I watched from the corner of my eye as Paul leaned over the counter not seeming to pay any attention to me.Slowly I lifted up off the chair making sure to keep an eye on my kidnapper as I crept over to the phone.I reached out hesitantly wrapping my hands around the shell of the phone.If he caught me attempting to contact anyone I would surely pay for it.Quickly I shoved the phone in my scrub pants and turned around just in time to see Paul face me.

"What are you doing over there sweetheart?"His words seemed sweet but his tone was anything but. I dared to look into his eyes and was met with a fiery gaze.

"I was just going to help you look for plates for when dinner was done",I pleaded hoping he would buy the lie.

"Oh well they're in the cabinet above your head".Paul's voice softened with his face but his eye's trailed mine with every move I made after that.

Hannah's POV

For three days we had been searching Marlow's apartment and car in hopes that there was a clue somewhere.Mars had suggested we all split as soon as we got to town into a few small groups so we could cover more ground.But both groups had come up with nothing.

"I just don't understand",Mars huffed as he ran his hands through his hair.He seemed to take the whole search mission the hardest out of everyone and refused to get enough rest until she was found.

"Have the police given you the tapes we asked for",Nick asked hopelessly.He was just as distraught at the club president if not more.

"I just want my baby to come home.I don't understand why anyone would take her or at-least not have asked for a ransom yet if they wanted something",Nick's mom wailed. Marlows parents had gotten here just last-night to give us a little head-start on leads and investigating.

"I just don't understand why you're so concerned anyways Mars?"I questioned,still curious as to why he had wanted to come along.

"Hannah is doesn't eve-".

"No I think he should explain himself. Marlow barely had anything to do with you until right before she left.I get you're the president and all but this is more of a family matter",I hissed cutting off my fiance.Mars matched my glare with the same intensity before ignoring me completely.

"Nick why don't you come with me down to the station and we'll try to convince them to hand over the tapes",He grumbled pushing back his chair knocking it to the ground.They both hurried off to the front door in hurry trying to rid the room of all the tension.Nick shook his head at me on his way out but I didn't feel the least bit worried about my questions.I was concerned about my best friend and none of us were getting answers.

"We'll find her soon",I cooed to Nick's mom as I wrapped my arms around her in a hug,"She's strong and can hopefully let us know where she is".

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