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Alright like I promised here are a few more shout outs for those loyal readers who show some love! You guys are the best and I wouldn't have any of my reads without you guys.Xoxo





I think every person who goes on vacation has this stereotypical idea of waking up to sunshine,warmth,and not to mention quiet.But when you go on vacation to your parents house a few hours away that dream gets kind of crushed when your brother starts yelling up the stairs like a banshee for you to get up.And when that moment happens to you you'll understand for a brief second why I mentally decided to become a murderer. 

"If this boy doesn't shut up I'm going to castrate him!"Whispering such things to myself at such an ungodly hour alone might back up my thoughts of being a murderer to anyone who was listening.Reluctantly I climbed out of bed,more like rolled and almost fell off, and trudged down the stairs the where my lively family was more awake than I felt alive right now.

"Well if it isn't sleeping beauty",Nick joked as he shoved a piece of toast in his mouth.Some crumbs fell out as he chewed which made me grimace. He definitely never learned how to eat properly.

"And if you don't shut your mouth here in a few minutes you'll end up like Maleficent and I'll rip off your wings.I might be a little extra and shove them down your throat".

"Now Marlow why haven't you and your brother learned to get along.You both are in your twenties for gods sake.Ya'll need to spend some quality time together and bond a little more",Mom said interrupting our argument.

"You need to listen to you mother now,"Dad joined in next,"Once you guys get passed your differences and stop the petty fight y'all had that made you two stop talking in the first place, you might love each other a little more.

Neither of us said a word but rather glared in each others directions instead.The last thing I wanted to do while I had some time off work and school was follow my biker brother around.In the middle of our internal war a knock sounded at the door and the same girl from the barbecue walked in.She rounded the table completely ignoring me and instead kissed my brother on the cheek.I'm not sure if anyone else noticed my mouth hanging wide open or the thought was just in my mind but the astonishment was still there. 

"You might want to close your mouth or you'll catch flies",Hannah whispered smirking over at me.

"Okay babe so mom decided that I should bring Marlow to the clubhouse this afternoon since we apparently need bonding time and I was thinking that you could show her around the bar and have help serving since it's just you now".The look in her face was anything but happy,but with the look Nick was giving her she gave in.

"Alright I'll teach her the ropes of life around here again".

Two hours later I found myself behind a bustling bar serving drinks I couldn't even remember to men who kept on hitting on me non-stop.Ignoring their words was the easy part,ignoring Hannah trying to teach me was the hard part.She only said a few words to me here or there if I got stuck on how to make a drink or couldn't find one of the bottle in the back but other than that we stayed on opposite sides of the bar.

"Can we get two Sex on the Beaches ",Two girls called out from over the counter pulling me back to reality.

"Coming right up",was my answer as I got to work.

"Can you believe Hannah is still working here.Like can that girl get anymore desperate",Girl number one said.

"I mean come on, Lucky is only with her for the sex.She's not even pretty",The other one countered.At the mention of my brother I stopped what I was doing and listened in a little more.

"Lucky would be much better off with me anyways.Hannah is just such a bitch and she never wants to hang out with any of the other girls.I mean who does she think she is thinking she's better than everyone else".

"You're exactly righ-".

"Maybe if you both decided to keep out of everyone else's business than you might actually have a chance with a decent man instead of being a club whore".The words spilled out before I could stop them but afterwards seeing the astonished look on their face's made me feel on top of the world.No one disses my brother or anything about his life an gets away with it.

"Excuse me who do you thi-".

"She's the sister of Lucky and if both of you want to leave here without broken noses I suggest you get out before we make you", Hannah said interrupting their retort.

They left their drinks on the counter and with one last dirty looked walked off in the bar probably to go bug some other poor soul.

"Thanks for defending Lucky and I like that.You didn't have to do that",Hannah confessed in a whisper.

"Well club whores are the worst but he is my brother after all and no matter what he chooses to do with his life or who he dates no one but me gets to say anything about it".

"I'm sorry for being so rude and stuff at first.I was just jealous that he was so excited to see you after so long.I felt like I was going to be forgotten".She rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet with her head bowed a little.

"Consider it forgiven.My brother and I aren't on good terms really and we haven't been for awhile now.So don't worry about me taking his time because he'll spend it more with you then with me".

"Okay enough with all the reconciliation.How about we go bond at this little get together down the street.No club whores are allowed,only members and their family.It'll be fun!" 

"Let's go then.I'm getting tired of these drunk old men flirting with me".

With a little pep in our step we threw our towels in the basket by the office and headed out the door and down the street to yet another get-together.Hopefully I wouldn't make a fool out of myself like last time.

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