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So I have no idea why I haven't updated this story in a long time but I'm really sorry.I hadn't thought it had been over two weeks but there's no longer a wait.It might not be much but here's something to get you through until the next time I update :)

Three weeks had passed since I returned home and last saw my friends and family.Things at the hospital hadn't drastically changed much but the occasional surprise popped up early in the morning. Hannah and I still texted and skyped every chance we got so she could inform me of everything happening back home. According to her Mars had been the same brooding asshole as always and the club whores kept trying to get with my brother which had caused a few fights.But Hannah has assured me that she made it very clear who my brother belonged to.

Her spunky attitude was something I really missed even if we had only known each-other for over two weeks.With her marrying my brother and all it was bound to make us close. A few nurses coming in from their smoke break scattered my thoughts allowing me to focus on my current situation. It was currently 3am and everything was dead for a change.The last major call or walk in we received had been a few hours ago after a man sliced his hand open while cooking dinner.That sure had been a nasty incident that took a while to wipe off the floor. Trying to rd myself of bordem I pulled out my phone to text Vance.Ever since i had been back he was glued to my hip and barely let me shower or leave for work.Apparently I was his only friend and leaving him for over two weeks had really damaged his social life.

To:Bestiieee :)


When do you get off work......your house it so boring without you here.Plus I think this place is haunted :(


Fr:Bestiieee :)

I don't get off until 7am so you're alone for four more hours.Guess you should go to sleep and leave me alone ! Love you :)

To:Bestiieee :)


You're so lame. You're lucky I'm tired from work or I wouldn't be passing out on your couch right now.We're going out tomorrow night though.Night and love you :)


Fr:Bestiieee :)

Alright that's fair.Goodnight and I love you too <3

I shoved my phone back into the pocket of my jacket,squeezing it a little it closer to me. I nodded to the other nurses sitting behind the desk that I was going outside for a few minutes and would be right back. The emergency room was silent for the most part and a little fresh air did a person good while working a twelve hour shift. Once outside I took in the few cars parked in the parking lot and the lights scattered throughout the city. There was something about being outside and surrendering yourself to nature that had appealed to me since I was young but the love for taking care of people lead me down a different path. Admiring from afar was good enough for me. 

With one final deep breath I turned on my heel and headed back towards the nurses station to finish off my last four hours before I had the next few days off.

Unknowns POV

Marlow had finally walked outside after hours of waiting patiently for the dull atmosphere to make her bored. I watched as she took in deep breaths and admired the view from the doorway,longing to go home.I could see why Mars was so intrigued by her now.Her petite figure and beautiful hair seemed to captivate anyone around her and soon we would all have a taste of her sweetness. The low buzzing of my cellphone pulled my attention away from the beauty just as she turned and headed inside.

"Yeah boss",I huffed out.

"Is she still within range",came his question not surprising me at all.

" Yes boss.She gets off work in a few hours and I plan to complete the mission then. Everything should go smoothly."

"Make sure no one see's and bring her back swiftly".My phone beeped as the call ended as I started to put the plan into motion.I grabbed the bag of clothes from underneath the back seat and carefully put the disguise on . I scanned the area to make sure the van was nowhere near any surveillance and silently walked into the hospital towards the supply closet. 

Marlow had no idea what was coming her way.

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