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Destiny's pov

Why is David acting so weird he keeps looking at me smiling do I have something on my face? I quickly cover my face and head to the wash room to see.

I knock on the door to see if it's occupied no one answers so I assume it isn't and quickly go inside. I examine my face and not a hair is out of place, so why is he staring at me like that?

Knock* knock*

Someone knocks on the door breaking me out of my thoughts I compose myself and open the door to find Mr.Gorgeous standing and looking at me with eyes that could kill.

"May I have a word with you miss? in private" he ask me ,I allow him inside which I regret seeing as David doesn't want me near him

" What is the matter sir" I say curious to why he would want a word with me?

"Nothing I just wanted to know about you seeing as we got off on the wrong foot I want to introduce myself properly my name is Christian Hayes and you" he ask extending his hand for me to take.

"Destiny..... Destiny walker" I whisper shyly to him , he smirks and I takes my hand in his

"Well we better get out of here before your best friend finds us and want to kill me .... Again " he says and I laugh a little

"That will cost you" he says

"What do you mean"

" I made you laugh so I would like something in return"

"and what will that be"

"A dance just one" he replies back to me.

I think it through and decide I should I mean this is my first gala I should enjoy myself with this gorgeous man who wants to dance with me out of all the girls here. Right ?

He leads me to the dance floor and we sway together , he puts his big and manly hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

" So tell me about yourself if that guy wasn't your boyfriend than who is?" he asks me , I'm a little embarrassed to even say I never had one to begin with all who wanted to date me suddenly changed their minds the next day so I stop trying.

" Umm ..... I never...really...dated" I say quietly, I kick my self mentally for even saying such things to him why did I just say that omg I'm so embarrassed!!

He stares at me for a while almost observing me before he finally speaks again.

"So you don't have one and never did is what your saying?" He asks confused written all over his face.

"yup I never did and I do not have one now" I say almost as a whisper but I know he hears me.

"wow how can't anyone not want to be your boyfriend your really a Beauty" he says to me, if I wasn't blushing before I was now. I bite my lower lip to stop the stupid grin that is threatening to spread across my face.

" Thank you sir" I say while I play with my fingers behind his neck trying to keep steady.

"please call me Christian and your welcome"
Christian's pov

Why is she so innocent and beautiful I want her ,I need her she's so cute like a baby. Her cheeks are a fire red at the comment I made to her a minute ago.

why must she be this stunning I feel as if she is mine already and I will do anything in my power to keep it that way.

"Do you want to go somewhere else so we can really get to know each other" I ask her and she lowers her head.

Did I do something wrong? Or say something wrong?
Does she not like me ? What the fuck is going on right now!?!

"I don't think that can happen si- I mean Christian I told my friend I will attend a party of his tonight" she says but her head still hangs low. I lift her chin up with my finger to see her beautiful face , when I do my heart does this weird thing and it tingles did she put a spell on me?

"I think you can skip it just this once. Right?" I ask her but before she can even reply a hand removes her arms from around my neck and I feel cold all of a sudden she was so warm and soft I need her next to me again.

Looking for the intruder I find it's that guy again her 'best friend' who does this guy think he is to interrupt us.

"Destiny what does 'don't go near him again' do you not understand" he snaps at her , she seems like tears are going to go down her face and I can't help but interfere

"who do you think you are she is a grown woman she can decide what she wants to do" I say with my anger rising as I see his hand around her waist which not to long ago my hands were.

" Ha grown? she is only seventeen and not responsible enough for any relationship nor interaction with any man either so excuse us we are leaving" he say and they walk away.

Seventeen? She's seventeen?!?

No she can't be she looks so mature no doubt that she has a young face but her figure she looks like a women the most beautiful and precious one I have ever laid eyes on this can't be true she has to be older he's just lying so he can keep her for himself yeah that's got to be what it is.

I need to catch her by herself so I can really ask her. I see my opportunity when he goes to a table and talks to another girl who is beautiful but not as beautiful as destiny.

I sit beside her at a table and than the lights dimmed for an announcement which is perfect ,he won't see me not like I care but I do if he takes her away again.

" I need to know from you are you really seventeen?" I ask her praying mentally that she says no

" I-I am " she says and I feel my heart break a little. she's under age but so very beautiful. Why me? I can't just let her go but I can't stay either and go to jail damn this age limit law.

I stand and walk away I know if I stayed I probably would have did something I would regret later this is goodbye for now I will never give up so easily I just have to take my time and plan this out I want her and if I want something I'm going to get it just you wait my beautiful destiny. I'll be back for you. For us.
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